over 5 years
ago -
[Fatshark] Hedge
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Originally posted by Maitre Malterre: Just ignore an "object" like that; do not even dwell on it - at some point it gets boring, and it disappears on its own. Do not give anyone such power over you that he can even influence that you even finish your stream. There are always idiots - and everywhere. Other chat participants will sooner or later express themselves and contradict him.This is pretty good advice. Until we manage to implement Steam 'Blocks' to block a player from your lobby in-game, the best course of action is to make it as difficult as possible (vote kicking, toggling to private after kick, continue to remove them from twitch but say nothing). They're essentially getting a 'kick' out of getting a reaction, so do your best not to rise to them or even acknowledge their existence.
Whilst we hope to get better tools in place for players to curate their lobbys a bit more in this way, there are things you can do to kill their buzz and move them on.