almost 6 years
ago -
[Fatshark] Hedge
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Breaking down a few of the bigger known issues in this thread:
Breaking down a few of the bigger known issues in this thread:
- Mods are a bit knackered. We suggest you check this thread for instructions -
- First Grimoire on the Pit is unreachable.
- UI scaling is a bit messed up above 1080p, we're looking in to it.
- Kerillian's eyes might look a bit bleached out on DX12, and Kruber's face a bit blurry. We're on it.
- Hero Skins appear in the salvage window (but cannot be salvaged). This will be corrected so they do not appear, and we will also run a script soon which clears out duplicate uneeded hero skins.
- Some users are reportedly receiving SSL errors. We're investigating.