Originally posted by Wildcard69: It should be possible to change the size of these menus to 70% of their current size (or smaller). Previously they were about half the size (and it was fine) now they take up nost of the screen. It's fine to "fix" for people that think they are too small but it seems there are a lot of people that wanted them even smaller then they were before 1.5 .
I'll speak to our UI guy, but it's not industry normal to have options to resize menus and such. HUD sometimes (but rarely truth be told), but menus, overlays or such - pretty much not a thing. Look at some industry leaders and they scale UI and HUD almost entirely on resolution, like we do today in 1.5. We'll be offering additional scaling on the slider, from 70% to 50%, but this wont affect things like the inventory or Okri's book interface (and so on), but it will apply to HUD elements including chat in the next update.
We might be able to make additional change down the line, we might not, we'll have to play it by ear as we have changes coming which would be impacted negatively by such options. What we can try to do though is involve y'all in that process and collaboratively develop the future stuff so you can see why we make the choices we make and work with you to find solutions that work for your expectations.