about 6 years
ago -
Direct link
We're aware some players are crashing as a result of mods since patch 1.5. You can usually tell if a mod is causing your crashes if the information within the error message is referencing a particular mod.
Please disable the offending mod to avoid crashing until the mod has been updated, and be sure to let the mod author know via the mod's Workshop page!
If the mod has been hidden by the mod author, this may result in the launcher crashing when you attempt to disable it. This is a known issue, but in the mean time you can manually unsubscribe from a mod via the Workshop by:
1. Navigate to the Vermintide 2 Workshop page in Steam
2. Hover over the 'Browse' dropdown
3. Select 'Subscribed items' and locate the mod
4. Unsubscribe
Please disable the offending mod to avoid crashing until the mod has been updated, and be sure to let the mod author know via the mod's Workshop page!
If the mod has been hidden by the mod author, this may result in the launcher crashing when you attempt to disable it. This is a known issue, but in the mean time you can manually unsubscribe from a mod via the Workshop by:
1. Navigate to the Vermintide 2 Workshop page in Steam
2. Hover over the 'Browse' dropdown
3. Select 'Subscribed items' and locate the mod
4. Unsubscribe