about 6 years
ago -
[Fatshark] Hedge
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Originally posted by Dr. Moist: So you just completely revert your DLC policy because people had a problem with your matchmaking/QP locking people into doing "least completed maps", thus oversaturating them with DLC maps, making them age very fast.We made changes to the Quick Play algorithm to remedy the problem with seeing specific maps too often. The change to the DLC level access policy was a value proposition change. Adding DLC maps to quickplay for those who do not own the DLC devalued the DLC for many players, so we went back to our Vermintide 1 policy (with some expanded functionality in that anyone in the lobby who owns the DLC enables the DLC maps to be found in quickplay, not just the leader).
So rather than fix the problem/issue of the QP map-choosing method, you do this.