about 6 years
ago -
[Fatshark] Hedge
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Patch has just gone live addressing some issues that arose with Patch 1.4 'Back to Ubersreik' as well as some balance tweaks and localisation fixes. The notes are below:

Bug fixes
Patch has just gone live addressing some issues that arose with Patch 1.4 'Back to Ubersreik' as well as some balance tweaks and localisation fixes. The notes are below:

- Various localization fixes to Simplified Chinese, Polish, and English languages.
- Kruber's Sword and Mace: These weapons should feel, and play nicer now that we've correctly configured settings for hit-impact sounds, hit-stop animations, precision sweeps and impact vectors. We've switched the heavy attack damage templates to the heavy one-handed versions. These weapons should now count and proc like heavy attacks while also increasing damage output by a lot - specifically against armor.
- Saltzpyre's Axe and Falchion: We've updated hit-impact sounds to play blunt and slashing properly, as well as tuned up the animation playback speed of light attacks one and two.
- Brace of Pistols: We've increased damage against Bosses by a lot, to adjust for the changes in ammo and reloading - from 0.75 to 2.5 near and 1.5 far range. Increased Power boost from 0.75 to 1.0 - which increases power for potions, and similar effects. We've increased the dodge range and speed from 1.1 to 1.25. Increased efficient dodge count to 100 (or pretty much infinite). Dodge dance away.
- Incendiary Bombs have been tweaked:
- Increased damage over time from 1 damage per tick to 5.75 damage per tick, on unarmored enemies. From 1 damage per tick to 1.75 damage per tick, on armored enemies.
- Increased the duration of the damage over time from 3 seconds to 6 seconds.
- Decreased the stagger radius from 3 meters to 2 meters.
- Decreased the impact damage by about a half.
- Increased damage over time from 1 damage per tick to 5.75 damage per tick, on unarmored enemies. From 1 damage per tick to 1.75 damage per tick, on armored enemies.
- Bombs have been tweaked as well:
- Increased the damage multiplier versus bosses from 1.5 to 3.0.
- Explosive barrels have been tweaked:
- Increased the damage multiplier versus bosses from 1.5 to 2.5.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where you could become stuck with a wide crosshair when firing the Brace of Pistols. This could happen during regular fire, or during rapid fire shooting, or during reloads.
- Fixed a crash that could occur where the file "D3DCOMPILER_47.dll" was missing for some players.