over 1 year ago - [Fatshark] Aqshy - Direct link
She still has a potion slot, from what I understand! :)
over 1 year ago - [Fatshark] Quickpaw - Direct link
Originally posted by Felixinius:
Originally posted by Qau'lthir: You press 4 once to bring up the skull and then, if you have a potion, you can press it again to swap between the skull and the potion. Kind of like how Outcast Engineers swap between their grenades.

But where did you get that info, couldn't find anything related to it, hence why i made this post
We've confirmed it in the past when people have asked that question, similar to how Aqshy did a few posts ago! But to sum up, her Necromancy icon will be in the 4th slot, the potion slot, but she'll STILL have room for a potion/grimoire.