over 3 years ago - Brytarn - Direct link

Patch 11

Bounty Hunter

Weapon Swap Buff

  • Added Inspired Shot functionality into this talent.
  • Fixed an issue where the individual buffs applied a power increase to both melee and ranged attacks.

Inspired Shot started out as a perk innate to the Bounty Hunter and was one of his core defining abilities that encouraged a hybrid melee/ranged playstyle, swapping between your weapons to generate the most value of your build. While Inspired Shot was severely underrepresented in pickrate, as a talent it still had a place as an iconic and fun playstyle for the people that really enjoyed it. Merging this functionality into the weapon swap buff talent should allow for some flexible gameplay, whether you want to utilize the old alternating gameplay of Inspired Shot, or the more sustained version where you go for a few hits with either ranged or melee to gain stacks of the Weapon Swap buff. Hopefully this will also make Inspiring Shot a slightly more competitive pick with a slight bonus to power when switching weapons.


Blend In

  • Fixed an issue where the cooldown reduction was not applied as intended.

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