about 2 years
ago -
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Treat yourself to premium vehicles and upgrade the ones you already have and at the same time prolong your premium account - all at a bargain price!
In-game discounts From 12:00 GMT on the 22nd December until 11:00 GMT on the 29th of December
- 50% off all vehicles in the game.
- 50% off talismans, back-ups, and modifications.
- 50% off Premium account for 90 or 365 days in the game store, or 180 days in the Gaijin.Net online store.
Discounts in the Steam store From 18:00 GMT on the 22nd December until 18:00 GMT on the 5th of January
- 50% off all starter packs.
- Bundle with all starter packs with an additional 20% discount.