almost 3 years
ago -
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Hi, yes it has finished now.
Here's the important dates info:
Event deadlines:
-Supply crates, Superweapon points and upgrade points can be obtained in battles from 12:00 GMT on the 7th of April until 12:00 GMT on the 18th of April.
-You can participate in battles on the game map until 12:00 GMT on the 25th of April.
-You may trade all event items except vehicle coupons on the Market until 11:30 GMT on the 25th of April.
-At 12:00 GMT on the 25th of April all event items except victory points and vehicle coupons will be removed from inventory and from the Market.
-At 12:00 GMT on the 2nd of May victory points will be removed from inventory. Exchange them for the event vehicles before this date!
Info from here:
Here's the important dates info:
Event deadlines:
-Supply crates, Superweapon points and upgrade points can be obtained in battles from 12:00 GMT on the 7th of April until 12:00 GMT on the 18th of April.
-You can participate in battles on the game map until 12:00 GMT on the 25th of April.
-You may trade all event items except vehicle coupons on the Market until 11:30 GMT on the 25th of April.
-At 12:00 GMT on the 25th of April all event items except victory points and vehicle coupons will be removed from inventory and from the Market.
-At 12:00 GMT on the 2nd of May victory points will be removed from inventory. Exchange them for the event vehicles before this date!
Info from here: