Transcript (by Youtube)

4s The Shooting Range
8s In this episode:
9s Pages of History: An SPG’s Unexpected Fate
13s Arsenal: Exploring the Desert Lions’ Arsenals
17s And Metal Beasts: Battle Pass Strike Classics
32s We’ve already talked about the ground reward of the Airborne General battle pass,
36s so it’s time to discuss the main aircraft prize,
39s which by the way you can get for free.
42s Please welcome the Il-8, the improved version of the legendary Soviet Shturmovik.
51s On the outside, this machine is almost identical to its predecessor,
55s but the main differences are inside.
57s The hood of this aircraft hides a stronger engine capable of pulling 2,000 horsepower!
63s It doesn’t make it a fighter, of course, but it still ensures a nice buff to speed.
67s And that’s with a higher mass, by the way!
70s Unlike the Il-2, this aircraft has steel armor for the rear gunner as well.
80s Still, the new features make almost no difference
82s in terms of aerial battle tactics.
85s Compared to fighters, this aircraft is still reluctant in climbs,
88s which often puts it into the defensive position.
91s And there’s basically one single way out: try to force a frontal attack.
95s The Il-8 is armored well enough to survive the encounter,
99s while few opponents can stand the punch it packs.
102s In addition to machine guns, this strike aircraft
104s is also armed with two 23-mm autocannons.
108s They can shoot devastating fragmentation-incendiary rounds
111s with a decent rate of fire and great accuracy.
114s Any single-engine fighter can be rendered unfit to fly after just a few hits.
119s And if the Il-8 meets a bomber, it can become a fighter itself.
123s Don’t forget about the rear turret, by the way.
126s Yes, a single large-caliber machine gun can’t create an impenetrable lead barrier,
131s but a good engine hit is a nice deterrent for chasers.
139s Okay, aerial battles are good,
141s but weren’t Il attack aircraft famous for something else?
145s Right! The Il-8 can carry up to a ton of payload!
149s It can’t offer unguided rockets, but a wide choice of bombs is a good thing, too.
154s The calling card and also the main firepower of this new aircraft
157s is two 500-kg bombs.
160s You usually see this caliber on bombers only,
163s but this is a single-engine machine, and it has decent flight performance!
167s Two successful drops can net you two guaranteed frags in each fight,
171s and if you spot a group, two can turn into more.
174s Just don’t forget to set your fuse to at least 1.5 seconds
177s unless you want to join one of those guaranteed frags.
181s If you want a challenge, try a set of six 100-kg bombs.
185s They require much more accuracy but give you more versatility
188s thanks to a larger number of drops.
190s And when the Il-8 drops its gifts,
193s it can still use its good old 23-mm autocannons with armor-piercing rounds.
198s That’s when you can fully immerse yourself into the ground attack aircraft experience!
216s The Second World War forced military engineers
219s to search for new approaches to old solutions.
221s The British made the Centurion MBT
224s trying to combine the best qualities of different classes in a single machine.
228s The Soviet effort to improve the T-34 resulted in the T-44,
233s a predecessor of Soviet MBTs.
236s The Germans could produce a small revolution with their Waffenträger project,
240s which was a combination of an artillery truck and an SPG.
243s Germany failed to establish mass production before the end of the war,
247s but the idea behind the Waffenträger was never lost.
250s Around the same time, Lev Gorlitsky,
253s the lead engineer of the SU-85, SU-100, and SU-122,
258s was looking for solutions to the most widespread issues on Soviet SPGs:
263s namely, the increased load on the front wheels and limited gun traverse angles.
267s One of the options considered was a layout with the turret in the rear.
270s After the war was over, Gorlitsky’s design bureau received a trophy Waffenträger.
275s Studying the German machine and the American tactics of using the Hellcats
279s created a push to develop a light self-propelled gun
282s with an unconventional design for Soviet vehicles.
285s The crew compartment was placed in the rear, while the engine went to the front.
289s The engineers also designed a unique chassis
291s with seven pairs of rubberized roadwheels and an eight-gear transmission.
296s The chassis was meant to provide a good level of mobility,
299s while the small size and a 155-degree gun traverse
302s could help it attack from both direct and indirect firing positions.
306s With all of those pros, the SPG also weighed just a little bit more than 20 t.
311s The engineers also planned to fit the SU-100P with a 100-millimeter gun.
316s There was also another option with the D-50, a 152-millimeter howitzer,
321s designated the SU-152G.
324s The test stage uncovered issues with the transmission and the gearbox,
327s but the military appreciated the concept of the SU-100P.
331s The team received a recommendation to get the SPG into shape.
334s Fixing the flaws and issues took another five years, but by that time,
338s large-caliber tank destroyers were already going out of fashion.
342s The Soviet army was planning to switch to missiles and rockets,
344s so the SU-100P only got a tiny batch of 14 units.
349s The SPG was soon decommissioned, but its chassis...
352s Its chassis got a life of its own.
354s It became somewhat of a standard for Soviet engineers in those years.
358s The chassis was used in the 2K11 Krug, a surface-to-air missile system,
362s in the 2S4 Tyulpan, a self-propelled mortar,
365s in the 2S3 Akatsiya, in a BTR, in a firefighting vehicle,
370s and even in a self-propelled searchlight.
373s There were thousands of vehicles using the SU-100P’s chassis,
376s even excluding experimental vehicles like the Object 120.
380s And while the ‘Soviet Waffenträger’ itself
382s was never accepted into service in the Soviet Union proper,
386s the engineers did create a truly versatile platform
389s for combat vehicles used across the world even today.
392s A local solution went far beyond the scope of the original task,
396s outliving its creators and finding new, completely unexpected shapes.
415s We continue to explore the arsenals of aircraft from various nations,
419s and today we’d like to focus on the Israeli Kfir fighters.
423s Compared to their predecessors, the French Mirages,
425s they have a wider choice of suspended armament,
428s so let’s try to find the best options out there.
433s We’ll start with air combat sets.
435s Depending on the modification, these fighters can carry
437s between two and four close-range air-to-air missiles.
441s There are many types of AAMs available, but the best one is clear:
444s the Israeli Python 3.
446s It has an all-aspect homing device, great speed, and decent maneuverability.
451s The Kfir Canard has the rear-aspect AIM-9G,
454s which shows a less stellar performance,
456s but this modification also has a lower battle rating.
459s In addition to missiles, Israeli fighters can carry gun pods,
463s significantly increasing their firepower.
465s Unfortunately, firing them isn’t the most convenient affair:
469s even short bursts cause significant recoil,
471s disrupting aim and requiring extra effort to counter.
475s Besides, extra gun pods degrade flight performance
478s and force the C.7 to sacrifice a couple missiles,
481s so we can’t recommend them to all pilots.
487s The choice of armament for mixed battles is much richer.
490s Each aircraft of this family can carry
492s multiple types of rockets and bombs of various calibers.
495s It’s easy to get lost in this variety, so let’s go hardpoint by hardpoint.
500s The external ones are always reserved for air-to-air missiles.
503s The neighboring internal wing hardpoints, though,
506s can be filled with all kinds of ordnance.
509s First, you can add the gun pods that we’ve already discussed.
512s They’re not very useful in air combat,
513s but for close air support, a couple of Vulcans are a great budget choice.
518s Even with a standard belt, they can easily demolish
521s lightly armored vehicles like anti-air guns.
523s As for strong recoil, you can get used to it and adjust your aim in advance.
527s Another way to fill the internal wing hardpoints is unguided rockets.
531s Our choice is the large-caliber Zuni: it’s a handy tool against air defenses.
536s Moving on to bombs.
537s Among all the various calibers, we recommend going for 1000 or 2000 lb ones.
543s They have enough explosives to damage tanks even with indirect hits.
547s Extra 1000-pound bombs can go under the air intakes and to the rear.
551s There’s little sense in using smaller calibers here.
554s There’s also the central hardpoint, which you can fill it with 500-pound bombs.
559s They’re not terribly convenient, though, so it might make sense
561s to keep this hardpoint unoccupied and lighten the aircraft.
570s Well, there’s always room for experiments here!
572s Share your favorite loadouts in the comments.
574s And what vehicles would you like to see next?
577s Meanwhile, we’ll answer some of your questions from the comments...
593s The first question was sent by a player called rayoflas007:
598s “What does the American F-15 have in the left drift at the top?”
602s Hi there! It’s a radar warning antenna that helps pilots detect threats on time.
607s By the way, it’s a unique feature of the American F-15.
611s The Japanese and Israeli versions have symmetrical keels.
615s Broken Heart asks:
617s “Is the Strv 103С good at its BR?”
622s Hi Broken Heart! The Strv 103 isn’t a simple vehicle to master.
627s You might want to treat it as an SPG
629s that feels great in a comfortable firing position
631s but a bit unsure in close-quarters combat.
634s If you get used to this Swedish vehicle, though, you can be pretty successful.
639s Another question comes from Oscar:
641s “What are those holes that the M60 AMBT has next to the driver’s hatch?
646s It also has those holes in the back at the corners of the engine.”
650s Hi Oscar! You’re probably talking about the 360 vision system.
654s It allows the crew to control the environment around the machine.
658s Flip-n-Burn writes:
659s “Why do some ships like the USS Mississippi,
662s the USS Nevada, or the USS Arkansas
664s have extra anchor chains going to the bottom of the bow,
667s into the water, despite the anchor being raised?”
671s Hi Flip-n-Burn! Those chains aren’t meant for anchors, actually.
675s They’re used for devices called ‘kite otters’,
678s which are towed by ships and protect them against mines.
682s And the last comment for today was written by Mad:
685s “Will Germany get some sort of F-16?”
688s Hello, Mad! Germany never had F-16s in service,
692s but it did have other planes that can make their debuts in our game.
695s For now, the East German MiG-29s are pretty good at performing the top fighter role.
700s That’s it for today. You’ve been watching the Shooting Range by Gaijin Entertainment,
704s and the next episode will premier the following Sunday
706s at 4 PM GMT or noon Eastern time.
710s Subscribe and click the bell if you don’t want to miss our next videos.
713s Don’t forget to check the blinker fluid on your beloved Tiger,
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719s and see you next week!