about 2 months ago - CyberStonka - Direct link
Originally posted by ToddRider:
Originally posted by Eftwyrd: They do them in banwaves rather than one by one, the idea is that they want to get as many as possible before the cheat developers are warned and update their software, so they wait until a good number are identified and do them all in one go

So this is the list from July

You will find a link to a google doc with over 7000 players on it
doubt it the same players I see cheat actively still cheat. the bans are empty threats like the mutes

same racist players on SA been playing since games release who have had 3+ warnings and still behave like degenerates
Well, if you do not report them, there is smaller chance that they will be banned fast. But sooner or later all of them ends on the list and then return here and cry, that they are innocent, it's all their brother/sister/friend fault etc.