6 months
ago -
Blitzkrieg Wulf
Direct link
You should be able to access the store two separate ways:
(1) In-game, upper right corner is "Shop", hovering will show a menu, and then click on "Store", it will open a link to the store.
(2) If you go to the website, then to the store, in the upper right is 'sign in'. This will open a window prompting a login + password - Ignore that part. Below "Login" there is a grid of options. Use the one that says "Steam".
(1) In-game, upper right corner is "Shop", hovering will show a menu, and then click on "Store", it will open a link to the store.
(2) If you go to the website, then to the store, in the upper right is 'sign in'. This will open a window prompting a login + password - Ignore that part. Below "Login" there is a grid of options. Use the one that says "Steam".