over 1 year ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
over 1 year ago - Blitzkrieg Wulf - Direct link

The TOG II is a British experimental superheavy tank developed at the start of WWII in anticipation of a repeat of battlefield conditions as witnessed during WWI, however never saw production or service. This iconic British ironclad will undergo its trial by fire as it arrives to War Thunder as part of the game’s 11th Anniversary in the “Dreams Come True” event!

TOG II: A Premium Heavy Tank for Great Britain at Rank III
  • 94 mm gun!
  • Premium bonuses!
  • Poor mobility.
  • Large silhouette.

Meet the TOG II!
The anticipated TOG II will soon be joining rank III of the British ground forces tree as a new premium vehicle as part of the game’s “Dreams Come True” 11th anniversary event. A real old school heavy tank — let’s take a look and dive into the details of this awesome tank!

Developer’s note: “In War Thunder, the TOG II will have two variations to choose from in the form of a modification module: one will be its built prototype form that you may be familiar with that includes its 94 mm gun, and the other will be one of its intended final forms. Its intended final form includes added machine gun sponsons to the side, as well as hatches and a small cannon at the front that can fire smoke shells. We wanted to include its intended final form in some way in order to provide further exciting gameplay opportunities with this tank, as they ultimately enhance its abilities in battle.”

The first thing that will undoubtedly strike you when seeing the TOG II for the first time is its gargantuan proportions. It's long and probably big enough to hold a party in, but this was a deliberate design choice to use over trenches, which never came about. When it comes to the TOG’s primary armament, it’ll be a strong force to be reckoned with as it’s the powerful 94 mm gun! This gun possesses good rounds and ballistic properties, which means the TOG II will be able to effectively engage most opponents it will meet in battle.

Interesting: The name “TOG” is actually an acronym of “The Old Gang” which represents the tank designers who developed not only the TOG but also the first tanks of WWI.

The TOG II’s armor is decent for its rank, however is not the best overall, due to its mostly flat armor layout which is a weakness. The performance of the TOG’s diesel generator which supplies power to two electric motors can hardly be called impressive or even decent. Having said this, the TOG II will be more of a fun tank to play around in with your friends due to its meme-like nature. Practically speaking though, the TOG II certainly won’t be a suitable vehicle to lead charges with. Instead, it’ll be better suited to fortify and defend strategic locations from advancing enemies.

In your matches: Pro-tips when using the TOG II by Tom (Oxy), WT Community Manager (TL): “Keep yourself by cover and avoid sitting out in the open — It's a huge target, especially for aircraft (for real, it has more internal space than my apartment). All-in-all though, it’s not a vehicle to take too seriously, it has huge advantages along with huge disadvantages, and you’ll have the most fun with it if you approach it with that mindset!”

The legendary TOG II, which we’ve seen your excitement for after last week’s announcement, has finally arrived to War Thunder as part of the game’s on-going “Dreams Come True” 11th anniversary event. Participate and complete 6 stages in this event, and the TOG II will be forever yours!

Click here to find out the details surrounding this event