Transcript (by Youtube)

14s you know what they say
16s find a job you love and you'll never
18s work a day in your life
23s I always admired aircraft
27s really
30s the G overloads the moment you pass mark
34s one
36s foreign
41s who could dream of anything else
83s foreign
120s [Music]
124s down down
129s there's fire in my blood
143s foreign
172s foreign
211s foreign
213s [Music]
234s hello everyone and welcome to the
238s official preview stream of the upcoming
240s updates Apex printers my name is Marcus
243s boom and you are on the official channel
245s uh hello everyone who is tuning in from
247s all over the world and a special hello
250s to all these streamers also who are
252s currently receiving this uh let's get
255s right into it shall we so today we have
258s quite a show for you keep in mind that
260s this is all a preview that is work in
261s progress so anything that you see on the
263s stream may not come out in this way in
267s the final update so take everything with
269s a grain of salt today we have tier 8
272s planes we have a possible bet rating
274s increase for planes as well we have a
278s new very powerful aircraft missiles with
280s a new technology we have drop tags we
284s also have a new voice lines for Naval we
287s have uh well drones can now Market stuff
289s for the entire team and we have an new
292s ground map and much more to show off
295s let's start off then with the Americans
298s we're going to go through each nation in
300s order and if we have some time at the
301s end of the stream we will answer or at
304s least try to answer some questions and
305s show everything once again the Americans
309s of course are going to get a df-16a as
312s you have seen it in the trailer you have
314s seen it also in the dev block that was
317s released earlier today or yesterday and
320s it is here and soon playable on the dev
322s server as well the f16a is one of the
325s early variants of the F-16 not the most
328s powerful but in terms of War Thunder one
330s of the most powerful aircraft in the
332s game it is a small and light fighter but
335s with a playstyle somewhat similar to the
337s f5e if you have learned that plane
340s before but with about
342s um double the engine output
345s this engine is a very powerful 9000
347s kilograms of force on a full afterburner
350s thrusts which on a light airframe like
352s this does mean you get a pretty spicy
355s part of weight ratio which makes it very
358s good for dog fighting it also has access
360s to a surprising amount of Ordnance that
364s you can carry first of all we have drop
366s tanks also now in the game I will show
368s you how these function enables you will
371s need it for the F-16 because on for
373s laughter burner this thing guzzles fuel
376s like there is no tomorrow let's go into
378s the modification so you can have a look
381s now this is intended to be a air
384s security fighter but this does not mean
385s that you cannot take it out into a mixed
387s battles with access to a guided laser
390s bombs as well as
392s hm65b models you can also bring just a
396s few a pure air-to-air Loadout with up to
399s six aim 9 L's these are all aspects and
403s very good for a dog fighting I'm going
405s to take this thing out into a quick test
408s drive to give you a rough idea of the
410s performance again keep in mind this is
412s all work in progress so the flight model
413s may not be entirely finished it's just
416s yet so refrain any comments from that
419s for the time being
420s but I will show you the general
421s performance and how it flies now we
424s don't have a cockpit just yet
426s and there we are F-16 in the game you do
429s have access to pulse Doppler radar which
431s is pretty good no irsd you can also
433s select regular radar if you so desire
436s depending on the situation
439s a couple of raider this variant will not
441s have access to radar missiles like the
443s M7 Sparrow this is purely going to carry
447s um infrared Air to our missiles in the
449s Sidewinder series
452s takeoff is pretty quick to go you can
455s also see on the hubs on the top left
458s where the fuel counter is we have a
461s secondary number there which is for the
464s fuel tank now the fuel tank is
467s jettisonable if you run out of fuel the
469s fuel tank will drop automatically and
472s you will switch over to your main tanks
473s that are within the aircraft itself but
475s you can also set a keybind to drop the
480s additional fuel tank manually if you so
482s desire in case you are going into combat
484s for example and it will drop and switch
488s over to your main fuel tanks in the
490s aircrafts giving you a bit more
492s performance if you're not carrying a big
494s heavy and draggy fuel tank around with
497s you anymore
499s Black Performance is pretty decent you
501s can pull a decent amount of a G-Force as
505s well uh so far keep in mind again that
508s model is a bit work in progress but I
510s haven't okay never mind I've been able
512s to pull the wings down
513s of course it happens exactly as we
516s stream and not before because that's
517s always what happens on these screens
518s anyway
520s L's are one of my favorite missiles in
523s the game and this kind of missile makes
525s aircraft that usually wouldn't be that
527s great into amazing Fighters like for
529s example the Harrier gr7 and the df14
532s Sasa for the Italians both aircraft that
535s in in terms of pure fly performance
537s aren't really amazing but the a9l makes
539s a huge difference in their effectiveness
542s and the F-16 well gets them as well but
545s on top of that also gets amazing flight
547s performance the part right ratio of this
549s thing is really nothing to laugh at you
551s can do some pretty good vertical
554s Maneuvers horizontal maneuvers of course
556s try not to roll at the same time that
558s you're pulling otherwise you may break
559s your wings off but it is going to be an
562s incredibly powerful close range
565s dogfighter
566s all right
567s uh there are more variants of the s16 as
570s well not for the us3 but we do have one
572s for the Israeli 3 as well which I'm
574s showing off on the stream in a second uh
576s let's move on to a another aircraft
579s which you have seen now of course a Dev
582s block 4 as well in case you want to
585s speed up your progression to the F-16
587s and keep in mind this is where the F16
589s is lying currently after the f5e at rank
592s 8 and also the F14 has also been moved
594s to rank 8. you can get yourself the a6e
597s a tram a new rank 7 Premium aircrafts
600s currently on a pre-order this is a
604s strike aircraft
605s it is not really intended for adware
607s combat given that it doesn't have any
610s inbuilt cannons but you do get access to
613s a guided bombs incendiary bombs lots of
616s rockets uh gun pods lots of dumb bombs
619s even this is a good cargo truck for
622s attacking ground targets essentially
624s which does not mean however that it is
626s entirely defenseless because you also
628s get or anyone else once again making
631s this
632s actually not bad at air combat keep in
635s mind it will not be the most
636s maneuverable aircraft it is also rather
638s slow with a top speed of 644 kilometers
641s in this current configuration but with
643s the anyone else it should be able to
644s hold its own and of course it also gets
646s access to flares
648s let's take it out into Quick Test Drive
650s shall we
654s keep in mind of course uh if we have
656s some time at the end of the stream we
658s will uh try and answer some of the
659s questions but keep in mind we cannot
661s answer everything uh until now up up
664s until then please hold your questions we
666s are going to try and go through this at
668s a reasonable pace
672s all right so this is the cockpit of the
675s A6 that's a nice twin theater design you
678s have your uh co-pilot over here
680s nice a detail a very detailed instrument
683s panel as well there for example that
686s white screen is your targeting camera
688s for your guided bombs
690s you have radar however I don't believe
693s you have access to pulse Doppler radar
695s in this specific aircraft so keep that
697s in mind
699s let's have a takeoff
702s it is not going to be the fastest way
704s aircraft again it is a grand attacker
706s kind of small kind of light but with a
709s decent Ordnance amount currently I'm
711s carrying the aim none else of course but
713s you can also carry guided bombs one
715s thing to note with this particular
717s aircraft the laser pointer is mounted
720s here at the front of the nose
722s but it doesn't quite have the range of
724s what you would be used to for example on
726s the yard pod on the Heritage R7 which
730s means that if you try to keep a lock on
734s a Target as you fly over them you will
736s lose the radar lock at least as it
738s currently stands so the guided bomb
740s effective Effectiveness is not quite on
743s the same level as something like the
744s area gr7 would be and you do not have
746s access to agm-65s but for General static
750s ground Targets this should be a nice
752s little boost to your RP and silver lines
754s gain and of course
756s you got players as well
761s next up we have a premium Striker and an
765s updatedly currently existing Striker uh
768s two of my favorite uh vehicles in the
770s game actually
772s the m1128 striker wolf pack is a new
775s rank S7 premium tank that you will be
778s able to buy in the upcoming updates it
780s is basically identical to the track T 2D
783s Tech Tree version but with a nice camo
786s netting and some chains on the wheels
788s which don't actually do anything in the
789s game but they look very nice
791s it has access to thermal vision Scout UV
795s of course as well as a 105mm gun with
799s m833 APF SDS
802s and you may notice that it doesn't have
805s the uh the cage that the detect 3 m1128
808s Striker has which has been a point of
810s contention for a while given the defects
812s of effectiveness of the cage and War
814s Thunder isn't the greatest whilst it
816s adds two tons to your weight so you will
819s be happy to hear that you will be able
821s to remove the sled armor kit on a
824s detectory version as well making it a
827s lot lighter and such more maneuverable
829s without really sacrificing too much in
831s terms of survivability
834s I also want to show you in a test rifle
837s quick the new capability added to the
840s UAV Scout drone
842s as you may know uavs have been in the
844s game for a while now the Recon drones
846s have been used quite effectively by
848s squads and members but up until now you
851s could only really spot targets for your
854s own Squad with the squad marker now in
857s the new update the
860s recontron will get a new function
863s as you can see on the bottom
865s item is not currently uh with an image
867s but you will be able to mark targets for
871s your entire team the little blue flag
874s place order of course uh will appear to
877s the entirety of your own team not just
879s your squad mates which would make these
882s even more useful in gathering
884s intelligence and awareness for your team
890s you can of course also try and spot
891s targets although I do not believe that
893s the marker will move together with the
894s tank so keep that in mind when you are
896s applying the marker
902s next up we have
907s chess are you a fan of the Centurion
909s avre
910s that's quite old premium Now with a
912s massive 165 millimeter hash launcher
916s well you will be glad to hear that the
918s Americans are getting their own version
921s of that so DM 728 is a I believe an M48
926s or an M60 based variant I believe it's
930s it's based on the m6a2 with the same
933s hash launching Cannon as the Centurion
936s avre you also get of course a plow to do
939s some construction work with and even a
942s little crane at the back which doesn't
943s do anything in the game but was used for
945s General training operations and a
947s recovery in a real life
951s unfailers of course are a placeholder
953s keep to the minds this should be a
954s little bit more survival than the
956s Centurion avre even though it does not
957s have the era plates attached the Canon's
960s performance is basically identical it's
962s a license built version of the aviaries
964s Cannon including the shell
968s 2-3 millimeters of hash penetration 165
971s millimeter gun with a 23 millimeters of
974s TNT equivalent
976s let's give it a little test run shall we
980s I'm personally really looking forward to
982s this one I I like
983s big boom absorb cannons
986s all right we are in the game
989s third Traverse is all right again the
992s gun is not stabilized much like on the
994s Churchill a not in church at least
996s Centurion avre it also suffers from the
998s same problem of
1000s um very low bullet velocity meaning that
1002s you need to
1004s uh aim quite a bit up if you want to hit
1007s targets at further range and again with
1009s the Centurion uh this variance also does
1012s not have access to a Laser Rangefinder
1014s which may which would make it a lot
1015s easier to use the gun the gun wasn't
1017s really intended for use in combat
1020s operations or at least not against
1022s um even infantry but much less so
1024s against the armored targets it was more
1028s intended to destroy bunkers
1030s fortifications and clear out mines with
1033s the Mind flow
1035s you also have a very protruding crane at
1040s the back which I don't believe will will
1042s uh make will be a part of the damage
1045s model but could give away your position
1047s or if you just want to roll around like
1049s this you can as well the machine gun on
1052s the top turret is a physical it is
1053s independent from the rest of the turret
1056s which may be useful in certain in
1058s certain situations
1059s can use it to spot targets with and the
1062s penetration should be enough to deal
1063s with some lighter armored targets as
1065s well
1067s thank you to all stubby the Canon on the
1068s swingers I love it
1071s this will be coming in the next update
1073s as a premium vehicle as well I believe a
1075s golden eagles vehicle but keep in mind
1077s that work in progress and you can look
1079s forward to that
1081s next up we have a PT built the pt8 12.
1087s this is a new Tech Tree variant coming
1089s for the Americans are better freaking
1091s 3.0 and the main feature is the twin 40
1094s millimeters buffers cannons no Torpedoes
1098s whatsoever and a 81 millimeter grenade
1101s launcher here on the side we also have
1104s some new voice lines for Naval in the
1107s works that I'll be showing you in a bit
1108s with the Germans because it's a bit more
1110s expressive so look forward to that
1112s speaking of Germans let's move on to
1114s them
1116s Germany this update is getting a new
1119s premium rank 7 aircraft as well we also
1122s have a rank aircraft in the works for
1124s Germany but is not quite ready for
1126s showing just yet
1129s uh as a premium rank 7 aircraft you can
1131s buy the mig-21 lazur M this is
1135s functionally identical to the mig-21
1139s business Zone that is in the German
1141s Factory it is a mig-21 it has a slightly
1144s different avionic system but other than
1146s that functionally it is identical with
1148s the same ordinance
1150s our 60m case up to six of them the Mig
1153s 22 is of course being a reliable fighter
1157s it's not the most competitive at top
1158s tier these days especially with the F14
1161s and the F-16 now coming out the next
1163s updates but is it still a Dependable
1165s missile Slinger with plenty of missiles
1167s and of course axes also to flares up to
1171s 64 of them in total
1176s next up we have a new model for the
1179s Ferdinand
1181s which is over here
1184s we did of course release the elephant
1186s not too long ago in a battle pass and
1187s now it's also time for the base Tech
1189s reference one of the oldest vehicles in
1191s the game uh to also get a model update
1194s making it uh much look making it look
1197s much crisper and more up to date with
1200s the current standards of the game
1203s I like this little primer colored uh gun
1206s Shield over here
1208s uh the Germans are also getting a not to
1212s jump yes the Germans are also getting a
1213s new boat
1214s the V and 9 and 90 this is a post-war
1217s German Democratic Republic vehicle so
1219s East Germany with access to a twin a 23
1223s millimeter cannon in the bag this is
1225s very similar to the one that is found on
1227s that low tier uh Soviet Spa tank
1230s and 23 member cannons are quite good
1232s overall I can however see that this one
1235s is going to be a bit more difficult to
1236s play Given that you don't have any
1237s Armament on the front which means that
1239s if you're driving straight into an enemy
1240s to for example release your Torpedoes
1242s which are found in these tubes along the
1245s hull of the ship you will not be able to
1249s find your guns now let's actually show
1252s off the new crew voice lines I hope the
1254s audio will be coming through
1256s so new audio voice lines
1259s okay new audio voice lines for ships in
1262s general we are reworking the system uh
1265s there are now different types of stress
1267s levels that will be reflected in the way
1269s that the crew speaks and there's also
1273s different types of crew different voice
1275s actors uh doing different things so for
1278s example
1278s we have now a commander an officer and a
1283s sailor voice lines the commander gives
1285s orders about the ship's engine and
1287s routers so if I try to go forwards here
1289s quickly pause the music
1293s hello
1298s okay it is a bit on the low side let me
1300s just quickly adjust the volume a little
1302s bit so I can hear us a little bit better
1308s all right hopefully this is not going to
1310s be too loud
1313s okay now attempt it again
1318s there we go
1322s the commander will give indications of
1326s the controls that you're putting on the
1328s ship the officer will report about the
1331s ship's damage conditions if you are
1332s damaged and will also report the
1334s detected enemies and then you also have
1337s the Sailor which is going to be the one
1338s that's going to be most panicked because
1340s the seller will indicate spotted enemies
1342s uh incoming attacks like that aircraft
1346s coming in as well as incoming damage
1351s depending on the situation The Voice
1353s lines will change in Fletching so if you
1356s are at no danger at all with no enemies
1358s detected which is not this case uh the
1362s crew will be quite calm just regular
1366s uh commands
1369s like the commands to increase speed
1371s decrease speed turn
1375s [Music]
1382s that last one voice line that you're
1383s hearing about alarm lufting roof is the
1385s stressed version so if you have incoming
1387s enemies uh the crew will sound much much
1390s more stressed and much more energy
1391s agitators and you also have an
1394s intermediate level which is when
1396s um you spot targets when you have
1398s incoming attacks
1400s thank you which
1402s will be somewhere in between
1407s all right
1409s these voice sounds will be coming to
1410s Modern Nations as well currently we have
1412s also have them for the US and the UK but
1414s the US doesn't have their own voice
1415s launches yet we're working on that and
1417s hopefully it will be ready by the
1419s release of the update
1422s next up we have
1427s next up we have the Soviet Union with a
1431s very sought after plane
1434s ladies and gentlemen the MiG-29 is
1438s finally coming to War Thunder
1440s probably and this is my own personal
1442s opinion one of the best looking jets in
1446s the game period it is very nice looking
1449s this is also one of the most advanced if
1452s not the most advanced jet aircraft that
1455s we currently have in the game it has uh
1459s rank 8 of course it has flares it has a
1462s 13mm gun so slightest upgrade and
1463s Firepower over the previous mig-23
1466s models with 150 rounds and also acts to
1470s aphe
1471s which should be pretty good for
1474s attacking both aircraft and in a limited
1476s capacity ground targets of course you do
1478s not want to be doing that with only 150
1480s rounds but you can you also have access
1482s to a very Advanced missiles now little
1487s little
1489s um spoiler here or something like that
1490s we are not quite sure yet if we will
1493s release the MiG-29 with the r73 massage
1496s so you're going to see in a bit why
1497s these are incredibly powerful and the
1499s MiG-29 is already an incredibly powerful
1501s airframe it will depend on the feedback
1504s of you the players on the dev server
1507s whether or not the MiG-29 will launch
1509s with dismissals or whether it will only
1511s launch with the r60ms the main
1515s difference between the r60m and the r73
1517s is well and basically everything it can
1520s pull a lot harder it can track a lot
1524s better and it has access to hmd
1527s targeting helmet mounted display
1528s targeting you can actually look at an
1532s enemy without pointing your nose the
1534s nose of your aircraft at them and lock
1536s and launch a missile which is incredibly
1539s useful in a dogfight I also have access
1541s to a new r73 r27 missile one is a radar
1546s version one is a thermal a IR version
1549s these are slightly upgraded r24s not too
1553s much better but also with access to hnd
1555s currently as it stands you don't have
1557s any kind of guidance guided ground
1559s Ordnance you still want to be stuck with
1561s the mig-27k for that but you can bring
1564s some dumb bombs and a few Rockets as
1566s well if you so desire let's quickly do a
1570s well demonstration shall we I will be
1573s bringing this into arcade mode just to
1574s give you a idea
1576s of the capability of this r73 missile
1580s you can carry up to six of them or if
1582s you want to you can also carry two of
1584s the r27s and a four extra of a dr-73
1590s unless you can get a quick match in
1592s arcade mode here real quick
1599s it's going to be quite interesting
1602s and very powerful again this is why its
1605s developers are looking for your feedback
1606s on whether or not these missiles will
1608s come together with the MiG-29 in the
1610s upcoming update so let's go into a quick
1613s battle and see what we can do
1618s other than the missiles the flight
1620s performance of the MiG-29 is also very
1622s very good the engines are incredibly
1623s powerful with the slight caveat that it
1626s does guzzle fuel which I should probably
1628s actually bring more out off with the
1631s full After Burner on your fuel will go
1634s away very very very quickly you can see
1636s on the top left corner right now the
1638s fuel consumption increase as our engines
1641s warm up
1642s currently we do not have a cockpit just
1644s yet in terms of ir of radar modes we
1647s have srcpd you also have irst which is
1651s the infrared search and track which you
1653s can use in conjunction with your
1655s infrared missiles without getting
1657s detected by enemy rwr
1659s let's switch to our missiles and now
1661s this is the main difference you can
1663s actually look around
1665s and Locker Targets this way
1669s so you can get a proper lock here come
1671s on
1673s alternatively you can actually fly in
1674s One Direction and look at the other to
1677s get a missile lock off that way
1679s which does allow you to launch missiles
1682s off the bar
1685s off the direction of a flight
1687s and this also means I can actually
1688s quickly log on to multiple targets
1693s very effectively
1696s now keep in mind I'm basically
1698s stretching out the range of these
1699s results right right now at maximum if
1701s you want to be using these around four
1703s to three kilometers and of course these
1705s AR are not doing any kind of evasive
1707s maneuvers nor are they flaring the r73
1710s is still going to be quite susceptible
1712s to enemy flares much like the r60 is
1714s there is not much difference in and
1716s there so and where players will be able
1719s to defeat these missiles but unaware
1722s players and well I guess for the first
1724s weeks also watch players are adjusting
1725s it is going to be
1728s interesting to see how these missiles
1730s will perform
1731s and then of course you have your flares
1734s and to do top you have some decent
1736s maneuverability although I am in arcade
1737s mode right now keep that in mind
1739s let's quickly do a test flat in our B
1740s mode actually so I can give you an idea
1742s of the flight performance in the proper
1744s RB mode as well
1749s I will also take out the r24 r27
1754s T version of the missile if I can
1758s by the way it looks absolutely amazing
1760s you have some animators this is not the
1762s bug by the way this is actually
1763s intentional this is how it was in real
1765s life you have a door at the engine
1767s intake which opens up in a flight as you
1770s go faster
1773s it's going to test flight
1778s now currently as it stands the MiG-29
1780s does not have a fuel tank a dropable
1783s fuel tank keep that in mind which means
1786s you are very much limited by your own
1788s self-control and how long you are going
1790s to be staying in the fight but now I
1792s have fuel consumption off but from some
1795s flight testing I did earlier in a RB
1797s mesh and a simulated RB match in about
1800s 45 minutes at full afterburner you are
1802s out of fuel you can just about a full
1805s afterburn from the runway to the enemy
1808s Runway and then back
1810s and lands with zero fuel that is
1813s something that you have to keep mines
1814s and will open up the opportunity to
1817s other players with for example hm65s to
1820s take you down on the Airfield itself
1827s 9g adds subsonic right now let's see how
1830s quickly we can get the swing up in a C
1832s Level my plane is fully upgraded and we
1834s are playing in a realistic mode right
1836s now
1837s although I should probably get rid of
1839s these missiles
1840s there we go
1842s to go just a little bit faster in
1844s testing I was able to make about micro
1847s 1.3 at sea level and due to the amazing
1850s engine performance of these two engines
1852s it is also able to maintain its energy
1854s very well as well as climb extremely
1857s extremely well
1859s so for doing MacBook 1.2 at this point
1862s there are some aircraft in the game who
1864s would be breaking off their wings
1868s let's now go into a straight climb
1872s potentially Overload at Mach 1.2 still
1878s and look at that
1880s the engine performance and energy
1881s retention of this plane as it currently
1883s stands again work in progress flight
1884s model may not be finished is quite
1887s powerful I was able to get up to five
1889s kilometers altitude before even falling
1891s below Mach 1 that is very very
1893s impressive and the disputes it's still
1896s decently maneuverable
1898s of course as you go higher the air
1899s becomes a lot thinner so you do not in
1903s general want to be at too high altitudes
1905s with the jet if you are looking for
1907s dogfights and not getting well destroyed
1910s by enemy a radar missiles but in terms
1913s of dog fighting and especially together
1914s with capabilities of the missiles in
1916s being able to Target stuff that's not in
1918s its direct line of sight in the nose it
1921s is going to be one of the most powerful
1923s if not the most powerful dog fighter in
1925s the game together with the American and
1927s Israeli f-16s
1932s uh in case you want to speed up your
1935s progression towards the mic 29 and you
1938s have access to this endemic 23ml premium
1942s pre-order right now it is a rank 3
1944s mig-23 uh very similar to the mx23 MLD
1948s in fact that the engine is farther more
1950s aware is identical with the same output
1952s and also the identical load up options
1956s again you have a laser-guarded missiles
1959s which I guess you could use in ground RB
1961s but not too effectively this is more
1963s intended to be a fighter with the
1965s venerable old r60m and the r24r missiles
1969s or r204t missiles or if you want to just
1972s a full Loadout of r60 Ms as well as of
1975s course because it is necessary it is
1977s here flares
1979s next up we have the Australia 10m this
1983s is a gap filler in the spa capabilities
1986s of the Soviet Factory sitting right here
1989s between the Zeta c23 and the 2s6
1992s tangaska this is a Sam launcher with
1995s access to the Estrella missa
1998s um which is quite maneuverable the
2001s missiles are not of course insane
2003s missiles like you find on the MiG-29
2005s these do pull about 20 GS but they are
2008s maneuverable enough to deal with enemy
2010s aircraft in coming in who are not aware
2013s of you locking range is decent
2015s um you can use this against helicopters
2017s as well although I do not believe
2018s they're going to be quite as resistant
2020s to flares as the US manpad would be
2024s and we can quickly check it out on the
2026s test drive to see if we can hit anything
2035s quick locking of the missiles you can
2037s get two missiles off pretty quickly
2039s this one did not quite track properly
2041s but if I lead it a a little bit
2045s that was a little bit too much
2049s there we go that's better
2051s so if we have multiple enemy aircraft
2053s coming in you can actually get up to
2055s four missiles off pretty quickly with
2057s the four tubes and have a Reload of
2059s spares but keep in mind that this
2061s vehicle does not currently have radar
2063s which means it is going to be a little
2065s bit harder to actually spot enemy
2067s targets coming in
2069s okay moving on to the UK we have the
2073s tornado
2075s I know all the Brits have been very much
2078s looking forward to this plane this is
2079s the tornado gr1 the grand attack version
2082s of the tornado which means this will not
2085s be competitive with the F-16 or the
2088s MiG-29 in air-to-air combats but it does
2093s allow you to bring quite a variety of
2095s grand Ordnance and act as a strategic
2098s bomber so to speak with access to guided
2101s bombs and dumb bombs as well as a pair
2104s of a9l's to defend yourself with an
2106s airfare combat
2108s we can quickly give this a test flight
2109s just to give it a uh well a good shot at
2112s performance very interesting in the
2114s Tornado by the way it has a 27
2116s millimeter cannon with access to aphe
2119s which may actually be very good in both
2122s air combat and ground attack
2124s here is the cockpit with the instrument
2127s panel
2129s very interesting also it has access to
2131s reverse thrust so if you want to you can
2133s actually just drive backwards
2136s of course we do not want to do that
2138s right now we are going to try and fly
2140s forwards
2142s it is also a swing Wing design which I'm
2145s not sure if I actually have my keybind
2148s set up for that right now I do not
2151s of course it will adjust the wing angle
2153s automatically depending on your speed to
2156s give you the best possible performance
2158s uh both in turning radius and high speed
2161s other keep mind of course the tornado is
2163s not meant to be a very maneuverable dog
2167s fighter this is not going to be able to
2168s hang with the F-16 automate 29 in terms
2171s of turning radius and it's this
2173s particular version even less so given
2175s that it's a grand attack version
2178s in fact I can show you
2180s roll rate is all right for a top two
2183s Jets not the best
2184s and the turn radius is not the best the
2189s tornado is very much meant to fly in a
2190s straight line and be fast get in fast
2193s drop your Ordnance get out fast before
2195s you get hit by enemy
2197s um
2198s miss us or cannons
2200s let's also check out the cannon we do
2203s have access to a ballistic computer
2206s with the fbhd shell if you hit some
2208s unaware targets you should be able to do
2209s some decent damage
2211s and let's quickly go back into the
2213s hanger to actually show off the stats of
2214s the Canon belt as well
2221s so by default you already have access to
2222s the aph E shell it is very fast 1025
2225s meter per second that's actually very
2227s very fast uh 23 grams of explosive
2229s filler not bad at all with a 48
2231s millimeter penetration aphg can be quite
2233s useful against some more heavily armored
2235s enemy Fighters or even just general
2237s heavy Fighters if you any general enemy
2240s Fighters if you hit stuff like the
2242s engines or the fuel tanks
2243s such a people decent in general adware
2246s combats
2248s assuming you're not looking for a dog
2250s fight very important all right uh
2254s uh facilitate your progression towards
2256s the tornado gr1 we also have a rank 7
2260s Premium plane for the UK the f4j this is
2265s very much similar to the frj in the U.S
2268s tech tree
2270s it does not have a onboard 20mm Cannon
2273s this 20 mil Cannon is a gunpot and can
2276s be removed if you so wish and in terms
2279s of Ordnance you have access to very much
2281s similar Loadout options although with
2283s the ability to mine the sky flat the to
2285s mount the sky flash radar missile which
2288s is very maneuverable and to rather on
2290s the f4j should also be powerful enough
2292s to support the full capabilities of this
2294s missile sadly on secondaries you only
2297s have the m9g which are not the most
2299s powerful IR missiles but you can carry a
2302s lot of Ordnance overall and together
2304s with the gun parts also do some limited
2306s dog fighting
2308s what you may be a little bit more
2309s interested in perhaps is the new
2312s Squadron vehicle the C Harrier frs1 this
2316s is in performance very similar to the
2319s Harrier gr3 but with the huge upgrade of
2322s being able to mount The aim9l Sidewinder
2325s missile now currently it only carries
2327s two who but as far as I'm aware it
2328s should be carrying four by the time the
2330s update launches it was just not quite
2332s ready yet and as we have seen with the
2335s Harrier gr7 having a Harrier with four
2338s m9l's is quite a powerful combination
2340s now of course unlike the Heritage R7 it
2343s doesn't have anywhere near the amount of
2345s flares you only have 60 and you do not
2347s have the option of mounting the missile
2349s mounts with the extra flare pods you
2352s also don't have any kind of gun off
2353s guard grunt Ordnance
2355s but the Heritage are free with Anon LCP
2357s pretty decent and help you out in
2359s general combat now given that this is
2361s also the first Squadron vehicle Harrier
2364s it will make it quite accessible to the
2366s general player takes about three months
2368s of just playing the game to get the
2369s swing unlocked and however vital is
2372s always very fun in situations outside of
2375s just pure PVP combat you can use this in
2378s custom battles and have some fun with
2379s your friends as well I quite like the
2381s herrifts
2382s uh since we are with the Harrier I also
2385s want to show you the new ground map that
2387s we have in the works called uh golden
2389s Quarry currently let me set it up
2394s this is going to be a new ground map for
2397s I believe mostly the higher tiers given
2399s it's a line uh it's Loadout I can give
2402s you a quick look here at the mini map
2405s if you saw this r
2408s um it's all the German viewers this one
2410s has a big big bugger which I think
2412s you're going to be quite a fan of
2415s okay I cannot show you the map currently
2416s I'm afraid we do not have access to
2419s launching it
2422s um apologies for that but you will
2424s hopefully be able to check it out on the
2426s dev server when that is public
2428s okay next up we have a new premium tank
2432s as well foreign D Brits and the Khalid
2434s now this one is interesting it's a
2436s Jordanian vehicle uh this is essentially
2440s a Chieftain with a upgraded 1 200
2443s horsepower engine this is an RB Mount
2445s it's not an arcade mode which should
2447s make this tank a lot quicker to zip
2450s around than the regular achievements
2453s that you see in the tech tree other than
2455s that it still has the same cannon with
2456s access to the same shells
2458s uh apts with 30 millimeters of
2461s penetration no access to apfs yes no
2464s Laser Rangefinder no thermal vision this
2467s is purely achievement with a bit more
2468s Grunt and a bit more Mobility
2471s next up we have Japan
2475s you have seen the devlog of course the
2477s sub 1 2 is a zippy little armored
2480s personal carrier uh the chassis is very
2483s much based on the chassis you find on
2485s the top 75 the tanks that we have in the
2487s game but it carries a 20 millimeter RH a
2491s 202 at the top at a relatively low bet
2494s rating it is a decently mobile vehicle
2497s you can zip around pretty well although
2499s it is rather boxy so keep in mind so you
2501s will be a magnet for enemy shots and
2503s also since you don't have any kind of uh
2505s armor really you will be a very easy to
2507s kill
2508s this is how the crew layout looks all
2511s three
2512s three of the crew is right at the front
2514s with one sitting in the Gunner position
2516s interestingly enough uh it is actually
2518s an open Gunner position so let's quickly
2520s give it a test drive to confirm you also
2522s have access to the apds Shell with 66
2525s millims of penetration which should be
2528s enough to deal with most tanks at least
2530s from the sides that you find at the
2532s smash racing although you may have some
2534s issues with more uh heavily armored
2536s tanks but thankfully due to the high
2538s fire rate you should be able to go for
2540s the
2541s um Ken barrels of enemy vehicles
2545s mobilities are right it's a pretty light
2547s vehicle with decent engine
2549s especially compared to the other World
2550s War II stuff you may see it dispatch
2552s rating it's going to be a little bit
2553s more sleepy
2556s the reverse speed is a little bit more
2560s limited 12 kilometers per hour is enough
2563s kind of to get you out of some
2565s situations but not the best so you do
2567s want to plan ahead of where you are
2568s maneuvering your vehicle before you
2570s engage in combat and of course
2573s gun is a nice high fire rate
2576s and to be able to deal with enemy tracks
2578s and enemy Cannon barrels without any
2579s issues and if you get on the sides on
2581s the flanks with the apds shell you
2583s should also be able to take down the
2584s entire tank in one burst keep in mind
2587s though the ammo belt is only 100 rounds
2590s large and the reload takes a few seconds
2593s so you don't want to be caught flat out
2596s of course the cam can also Elevate quite
2597s high so you can use it as an sbaa as
2599s well in fact it can go very very high up
2602s to I believe that's out that's almost 90
2604s degrees not quite 90 degrees but not too
2606s far off which should give you an ability
2608s similar to the R3 T20 for example in
2611s dealing with enemy aircraft coming in
2615s uh we also have an update for the
2618s current top tier jet for the Japanese
2619s the df4 EJ Kai uh the FR EJ Kai has been
2623s moved to rank 8 and has gotten access to
2628s the a9l signed Winder which is actually
2630s a huge upgrade so you can now carry a
2633s dm7f together with the aim 9l Sidewinder
2636s all in one plane I believe is this the
2639s only Phantom with Eminem else
2641s I believe it may be
2643s of course one of my favorite planes from
2646s a while ago and with the upgrade even
2647s better so we are working on both a rank
2650s 7 Premium aircraft and a rank 8 top tier
2654s aircraft for Japan it's not quite ready
2656s yet we're not entirely sure if it will
2658s be ready for this update but rest
2660s assured Japan will be getting something
2662s when it is ready
2664s okay next up we have a China with a new
2667s rank 7 Premium jet as well
2670s uh which is the j7d this is in its
2674s Essence a mig-21 Biz which does have
2676s access to a unique cockpit translate to
2678s Chinese and a Chinese copy of the magic
2682s one r550 missile the pl7 these are
2686s basically identical stats the French
2688s r550 Magic one rear aspect only not all
2691s aspects keep that in mind and you can
2693s carry a grand total of four of them the
2696s magic missiles are some of the best in
2698s the game uh they're up there maybe
2700s slightly loud class of course by the um
2702s aim9l and on the platform of a mig-21
2704s Biz these should be quite nice
2707s we also have of course a rank 7 premium
2709s and a rank 8 tag 3 aircraft in the works
2712s for China not quite ready yet although
2715s we are a bit more confident that that
2716s will be ready by the time the update
2718s releases we also have an updated model
2720s for the is-2 much like the third lens
2722s the model has been updated in the last
2724s update we have a um improved visual
2727s model of the previous is-2 versions now
2730s the 1944 version both for China and for
2733s uh the Soviet Union will also be updated
2735s to make it a bit more up to standard
2738s with the current days of graphics
2742s moving to Italy we have the new rank 7
2746s Premium Jets the f-14s TAF this is a
2751s basically identical f104s in a Turkish
2754s use with access to the same Ordnance A9
2757s piece as well as your Canon uh keep in
2762s mind so the m9ps are not all aspects
2764s they are very similar to a9js which in
2766s the case of the f-104 is a little bit of
2768s an issue since you can't rely on the
2770s maneuverability of the aircraft itself
2772s to slot yourself behind the enemy so you
2774s need to do fast passes and try and
2776s engage enemies who are not aware of your
2778s presence
2780s and this will help you out in the
2783s research of a rank 8 top tier Tech Tree
2786s aircraft that we are also working on for
2788s Italy which we can't announce this yet
2790s it's not ready but hopefully it should
2792s appear on the dev server sometime soon
2795s yes
2797s uh we also have
2802s and we have a very Derpy low rank boy
2805s the cm52
2808s it's a truck
2810s it's a very old truck unfinished
2812s textures work in progress it has access
2814s to the same mounts a quad 50 caliber
2817s Mount as the American M16
2820s spaa system
2822s and it looks absolutely hilarious now
2825s keep in mind given that the cab is quite
2827s tall you will not be able to fire your
2829s 50 cars directly up front but at this
2831s low battery rating with plenty of ammo
2833s and with 50 cars you may actually be
2836s able to do some some decent damage
2838s against lighter armor Targets in
2839s something that looks like this
2842s I think it's beautiful
2844s okay moving on to France
2848s is getting a long-awaited tank the AMX
2852s 32105 this is a tech tree variant uh
2856s with access to a Laser Rangefinder I
2858s believe yes Laser Rangefinder thermals
2861s and most importantly a stabilized gun if
2865s you have played the French before you
2866s know of course that stabilized guns are
2868s kind of rare to find in the French Tech
2870s Tree this one is going to change that it
2872s will bring a stabilized 105 mm gun with
2875s access to
2877s d o b o f l 105 F1 apfs and DS shell you
2883s got another Rangefinder and the thermal
2886s vision there should be a very good
2887s all-around backup to your 9.0 and 9.3
2890s French lineups and beyond that as well
2894s uh we are also working on a rank 7
2896s Premium aircraft and a rank 8 uh Factory
2899s aircraft for the French again they're
2901s not quite red so just yet but hopefully
2903s they will be ready to play on the dev
2906s server
2907s uh moving on to Sweden or rather I
2912s should say defense this is a t-55
2915s modernized by The Finnish Army to
2919s include a new APF szs shell D m1000 A1
2924s these are the stats and let me quickly
2926s do this so you can see it a little bit
2928s better
2930s very fast shell decent penetration still
2932s has access to apcbc you also have access
2934s to the Laser Rangefinder but not too
2937s thermal vision although at 8.3 honestly
2939s that is not a big deal and it slots in
2942s right here in the Finnish subtree line
2945s in the Swedish Factory right after the
2947s t54 just before the t72 M1 at 8.3 this
2952s will be flashing out the already pretty
2954s good Swedish 8.3 lineup together with
2956s the slv103c ikv 105 all the good stuff
2959s and should be well in your hands very
2962s soon on the upcoming update we are also
2965s working on a um Premier aircraft and I'm
2968s repeating myself for every nation
2969s essentially we are working on aircraft
2971s as well for the Suites not quite ready
2973s to show just yet but you can expect it
2975s hopefully soon on the desk server or in
2977s the updates if all goes well keep mines
2979s maybe it will not be finished and we'll
2981s have to wait until the next updates for
2983s Sweden to get their top rank aircraft as
2985s well and finally we have Israel
2989s Israel getting also a f-16a variant the
2993s main difference between this one and the
2994s US1 is that the Israeli one will not
2997s have access to guided bombs
2999s which obviously you don't need uh you'd
3001s still have access to ghm 65s and you
3003s have access to the aim 9l missiles as
3007s well and of course if you want to see
3009s how you can put on the fuel tank it is
3012s right here oh it's actually okay
3014s this one doesn't actually have the fuel
3015s tank interesting enough that maybe
3017s another downgrade to keep in mind given
3020s that the US One does have a fuel tank
3021s and the F16 does
3023s um castle of fuel quite quite a lot
3027s on that the camera scheme is a little
3029s bit nicer in my opinion I don't quite
3030s like the blank camo scheme of the US
3033s F-16 since I was showing it anyway let's
3036s quickly show you how you can put on the
3038s uh the fuel tank
3040s you're going to secondary weapons you
3042s can create a preset and right in the
3044s middle you have the option of adding a
3045s drop tank together with any other
3047s Ordnance that you so desire which allows
3049s you to also just look like this if you
3051s just want to be a long range gun fighter
3054s for whatever reason
3056s uh
3057s the Israelis are also getting a rank 7
3061s Premium that is actually ready to show
3062s we have the kefir canar
3065s at a bad rating 11.0 currently rank 7.
3069s this is going to be very similar to the
3071s uh it's a bit more similar to the
3073s furiously too if I think it's a kefir C1
3075s with a very similar options as well only
3079s access to a man G's only two of them so
3081s it's not the best air-to-air loadouts in
3083s terms of missiles but can be used quite
3086s effectively quite effectively as a
3087s ground tanker with access to a decent
3089s amount of bombs and in terms of looks
3092s this is how it looks they're just these
3093s little tiny little canards here on the
3095s front intake mount
3098s the kefir of course is based on the
3100s French Mirage there should be decently
3102s maneuverable with a decent part red
3104s ratio but the missiles are a bit of a
3107s drawback keep that in mind
3109s and of course this will help you out as
3111s well in researching the F-16 and finally
3115s we have the Maga 7c this is a very very
3120s heavily modified M60
3123s it's so much so it barely resembles on
3125s the 60 am a M60 anymore has the 105
3129s millimeter Sharia cannon with the
3131s following shells m426 430 millimeters of
3135s penetration as well as hash and of
3137s course stock heat you also have access
3139s to a thermal vision for the Gunner and a
3142s Laser Rangefinder arm rivers are not
3145s quite complete just yet but can give you
3147s a quick look you have the additional
3149s composite screens which should act as
3152s Nera and generally improve your
3154s protection a little bit over the base
3156s M60 although keep in mind APF SDS will
3159s still be a big issue giving also the
3161s ammunition loadouts if you take a full
3163s uh Loadout 55 tons 908 horsepower with a
3168s fully upgraded vehicle is not the best
3170s of battle ratings The m60s already are a
3172s bit sluggish this one with even more
3174s heavy armor added onto it will not be
3176s too much better but I believe the engine
3179s is slightly upgraded over the base M60
3181s as well
3182s and that is basically it for all the
3185s vehicles we have to show today let me
3187s quickly go over the tech trees again in
3189s the meantime if you have some questions
3190s leave them in the chat we may have about
3192s five minutes left to answer some of them
3193s so I will ask our chat mods to uh
3196s collect some questions from the chat now
3199s f-16a is after the f5e
3203s actually logical it is basically the
3205s successor of the fyv and the s6e tram of
3208s course rank 7.
3210s uh again reminder the m1128 does now
3213s have the ability of removing the Caged
3216s armor
3217s for Germany we had a
3221s premium mig-21
3223s the MiG-29 in the tech 3 will be right
3226s after the mig-23 MLD again very logical
3230s the Estrella will occupy the position in
3233s between d uh 3223 and the 2s6 filling in
3237s this rather large gap here with access
3240s to some Sam missiles
3243s the tornado will be found in the tech
3246s tree after the buccaneer keep mine this
3248s is the ground attack version it is not
3250s the fighter version and you have access
3252s to the Squadron C Harrier
3257s for Japan the sub will be
3261s right after the m42 it is classified as
3263s a spaa although of course you can use it
3266s as a fast harassing tank destroyer if
3269s you so wish uh which fills in a little
3272s bit of a gappian capabilities between
3273s the uh 40 millimeters of both Wars
3277s China has the
3280s j7d we are also working on a top tier
3283s jet but I cannot disclose which one that
3284s is just yet for Italy we have the truck
3288s I love myself the truck it's right after
3290s the as42 at 2.3 and it's absolutely
3294s beautiful
3297s our friends the AMX 32 will be found
3300s after the am 650. and just before the
3303s 120 millimeter version of the AMX 32
3305s again this is a stabilized tank very
3308s important
3310s Sweden the t50 5 will be found in
3313s between the t54 and the t72 in the
3315s Finish Line currently at 8.3 this should
3317s be quite nice for that bad rating lineup
3320s and of course the F-16 for the Israeli
3323s Tech 3 will be found after the kefir C7
3330s okay let's take a look at some question
3332s a death server today
3334s um perhaps we are planning to open a
3337s test over this weekend but we can't go
3339s out guaranteed just yet the Globes are
3340s hard at work so keep an eye out on our
3343s forums and Reddit on more announcements
3346s if the death server opens today or
3348s throughout this weekend
3351s for tanks yes you can
3355s here it is the maga7c
3358s unsurprisingly is in the magachlan uh
3362s 9.3 as well a little bit more modernized
3365s how many players does the F-16 get
3368s the F16 gets 60 flares
3372s will the tornado get flares yes Trinity
3375s will get flares
3377s um
3378s although it doesn't currently work too
3380s well this may still be work in progress
3385s show the f69 MiG-29 engine outputs I can
3388s the F-16 is roughly about double the
3391s combined output of the twin engines of
3395s the FIV
3397s there you go
3398s and the MiG-29 I haven't actually
3401s checked the engine output of this one
3402s yet but each engine produces a massive
3405s almost 7000 kilograms of force on
3407s afterburner times two gives you a very
3410s very powerful thrust
3414s how many players does the mig-23 ml have
3417s the mig-23ml
3420s which is found here
3422s has a total of
3425s 72 large flares this should actually be
3428s pretty decent
3432s how are we looking with the chat
3438s let's try quickly can I maybe show off
3439s the map again
3441s I will attempt to at least so
3445s you mind we have a new ground map in the
3447s works it just may not be quite ready
3449s just yet
3453s okay maybe this will work
3455s okay this does work so good we can
3457s actually quickly show off the uh the
3459s ground map before we end the Stream
3465s I see our chat modes are having some
3466s trouble keeping up with all the
3467s questions in the chat right now
3472s is the map layout
3474s um I'm currently playing in battle mode
3475s the caps for the domination mode I've
3478s shown earlier in the Stream if you are
3479s playing on YouTube uh you can actually
3481s go back and see it there unless I got a
3484s tornado
3485s foreign
3491s c-stock APF SDS the devlog Mansion keep
3494s in mind it is currently work in progress
3495s so it may get up by the updates it may
3497s just enough have been ready to show just
3498s yet
3501s not the best weather for this
3503s let's go down interesting to note by the
3506s way this map isn't a very mountainous
3508s region as you can see which should
3510s actually allow for both jet aircraft and
3513s helicopters to use terrain to their
3516s advantages
3517s even the helicopter spawn over here is
3519s behind a death late which does allow
3522s them to not immediately die as they
3524s spawn
3526s the terrain reminds me a little bit of
3527s Afghanistan but the altitude isn't quite
3530s there if the Hut is to be believed and
3532s in 20 meters
3534s is not the highest right now
3537s and this is the map German Mains watch
3540s out we have a big bugger a very very big
3544s bugger
3546s this location is a quarry the buildings
3548s are actually quite similar to the
3551s abandoned Factory map that we have
3554s already in the game although of course
3555s in a different desert environment and
3557s with some different assets
3561s in Domination modes one of the
3563s domination variants has a capture Zone
3565s around the bagger which may be
3566s interesting of course you have some in
3568s the middle as well and probably on the
3570s side of the river as well uh the river
3572s does look shallow enough to be able to
3574s Traverse with the tank but I haven't
3575s tested myself so you will have to check
3577s that out yourself okay and that is I'm
3580s afraid it's for our time uh thank you
3584s very much for watching this preview
3586s again we are planning on opening up our
3588s desk server today but take a little
3591s grain of salt because we may have to
3593s delay the deployment of the dash server
3594s in any case all of the stuff we showed
3597s off today and more you will you will be
3599s able to test out yourself on a upcoming
3601s desk server and soon of course on the uh
3605s well update as well thank you much for
3607s watching the stream I hope you have a
3609s Merry Christmas and we shall see you
3612s around goodbye