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We continue to talk about the improvements in the game's appearance that will be brought by the updated graphics engine ‘Dagor Engine 6.0’ in the next major update “New Power” for War Thunder.

We recently showed new skies and visual improvements for War Thunder aircraft. Today we continue to expand on how the new graphics engine in War Thunder will change the look of the game.

Hit effects on armoured vehicles

War Thunder: New Power has improved the appearance and “physics” of hits on ground vehicles. Physically correct armour scars appear on ground vehicles in places where shells hit, now their shape depends on the angle of the shell's collision with the vehicle's armour. In some cases, the projectile can even get stuck in the armour! If armour is penetrated, holes of different diameters appear on the armour, depending on the calibre of the projectile. If a vehicle is on fire, you can see the flame through any holes.

Illuminating shells

In a previous update, War Thunder introduced night vision devices and thermal imagers, which completely changed the feeling of combat at night or in poor visibility conditions. However, not all vehicles in the game have such equipment, and it takes time to research the night vision modules. To make players without night vision able to combat in the dark, we are introducing illumination shells to night locations. AI artillery shoots illumination rounds from time to time over various areas .This improves visibility in combat in the most critical areas of the location. Slowly descending through the air, the illumination projectile lights for a short time, and then goes out. Thus, players without night vision devices will be able to navigate the battlefield more effectively. At the same time, players with night vision devices will be able to see targets better through devices, or not use the active IR spotlight to avoid detection by the enemy. In addition, a parachute with an illumination projectile can be shot down by machine gun or cannon fire.

Dagor Engine 6.0 allows us to introduce lots of improvements to War Thunder. In the following Major Updates we will present new graphical features for ground vehicles and naval vessels, stay tuned and see you soon!