3 days
ago -
Blitzkrieg Wulf
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- A bug that caused the markers of allies and enemies to not appear for spectators in Air Realistic Battles has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
- MH-60L DAP — a bug that caused the new stat card of the LR30 shell to not display the cumulative jet penetration has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
- A bug with ray tracing denoiser that caused bright colored artifacts to appear on buildings and colored artifacts to appear in reflections of explosions on glass has been fixed.
- Halo effect on the edges of objects located against the ray traced water background has been significantly reduced.
- Second battle of El Alamein — a bug that caused the rock texture to appear on some sand dunes has been fixed.
- A bug that caused the new torpedo stat card to not include information on the drop speeds and altitude ranges has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
- A bug that caused the penetration of HESH shells to show as cumulative in the stat card has been fixed.
- The fade animation of the context menus of vehicle and crew areas in the crew slot has been removed.
- A bug where it was impossible to open the context menu from the crew area in the crew slot when using a gamepad has been fixed.
- A bug where some award icons did not display correctly in the Achievements profile tab has been fixed.
- A bug where replays would not show the position of aircraft turrets when they were not firing has been fixed.