In this digest we would like to tell you about our continuing work on improvements and fixes in the game. You can find information about all updates that have been released in War Thunder in the website special section.
Please feel free to leave your feedback on these changes in the dedicated "It’s fixed! №56" thread Fixed blocking by chat
Except for quick commands, players often use the battle chat to tell allies about a winning tactical manoeuvre in time, warn team mates about danger and sometimes demoralise opponents and ask them to surrender immediately. But as if that were not the case….
Opening chat while moving at the same time could block control from the keyboard and the chat itself would stop responding to commands. All that remained in this situation to a player - was to play the role of a stationary firing point.
This strange bug has been found and fixed. You can make sneaky plans again and practice diplomacy in battle chats.
Clarified the lateral tenacity of a chassis

Literally every track and every wheel in War Thunder has many different characteristics that determine their traction on different types of surfaces. Among them is the lateral "tenacity", depending on which your ground vehicle might be kept on more or less significant slopes.
There was a bug in the calculations of this characteristic which might lead not only to an excessive lateral slip but also vice versa - your vehicle could begin to be pulled to the top of the hill.
You might have even found unusual videos of drifting down hillsides. Now this mistake has been fixed.
Aiming marker for helicopters is back

Modern aviation, especially helicopters can carry impressive and diverse weapons in pods or as regular suspended weaponry. But in order to effectively and quickly use them in battle we recommend using the weapon selectors. Especially now that the aiming marker is no longer missing. For example on the Mi-24P when switching the offensive weaponry selector.
Removed graphical artefacts

Several image fixes so that nothing distracts you from the battle. In particular a highlighted square will no longer be visible under an aircraft in a night battle if you have medium or high global illumination preset with an Nvidia GPU.
We also removed the dark bar in these night battles, which could be displayed when the camera was actively rotating. This artefact could be displayed at the edges of the screen with any graphic preset.
Fixed indication of onboard defence systems

Some time ago, on helicopters and ground vehicles with onboard defence systems, the indication of the direction of detected threats, both missiles and laser radar, disappeared.
The bug has been fixed. Now you will have a better chance of reacting on time to the threat and taking any necessary actions!
Reviewed the recharging time of ammo belts at points

The longer ammo belts for the automatic belt-fed cannons were taking way too long to refill at a captured point - some vehicles could take up to four minutes to reload. We revised the resupply time for this type of weapon to only 20 seconds!
More improvements
We’re constantly improving all aspects of War Thunder. The sounds of ground and air battles continues to be adjusted to avoid the appearance of "silent" vehicles. the sequence of bomb drops for some aircraft has been clarified and the animations for the naval weaponry have been corrected. Be sure to read the full list of improvements!
Once again, many thanks for all your bug reports that you submitted using our
special service[community.gaijin.net].
Ground Vehicles
- A bug has been fixed that made a vehicle slide up while moving on a slope.
- A bug has been fixed where specific armaments were missed in the protection analysis while selecting aircraft with custom weapon presets.
- A bug has been fixed that prevented display of the laser emission direction.
- PGZ-04A —the number of the rounds in a belt has been adjusted and the position of the ammo storage has been adjusted (report[forum.warthunder.com]).
- AMX-30 DCA, Falcon — the order of the APDS round in the belt has been adjusted (report[forum.warthunder.com]).
- ZT3A2 — a bug has been fixed that prevented multiple ATGM navigation with a single beam.
- Pz.III J, Pz.III J1, T-III - a bug has been fixed that prevented smoke grenade reload (report[community.gaijin.net]).
- Pvkv III - a bug has been fixed that prevented overpressure damage.
- Leclerc, Leclerc S2, Leclerc SXXI — a bug has been fixed that prevented kinetic damage to the bustle rack ERA blocks.
- Leclerc, Leclerc S2, Leclerc SXXI — a bug has been fixed with overestimated autoloader reload time.
- Leclerc, Leclerc S2, Leclerc SXXI — a bug has been fixed with underestimated pivot turn time (report[forum.warthunder.com]).
- Machbet — a bug has been fixed with different targeting angles of the missile launcher and the auto cannon.
- The following SPAAG, IFV, and main battle tanks with belt feed now have belt reload time set to 20 sec: M163, M247, LAV-AD, ADATS, Flakpanzer I Gepard, ZSU-23-4, ZSU-37-2, 2S6, Falcon, Chieftain Marksman, Rooikat ZA-35, PGZ04A, PGZ09, AMX-30 DCA, Type-87, Machbet, M3 Bradley, M3A3 Bradley, BMD-4, BMP-2, BMP-2М, BMP-3, MBT-70, KPz-70, Leopard-2K, T-72M2 Moderna.
- A bug has been fixed that prevents helicopter auto repair when only the main rotor is broken.
- A bug has been fixed that prevented display of the direction of the incoming missile in the helicopter HUD .
- A bug has been fixed that prevented display of the laser direction in the laser warning system.
- A bug has been fixed that caused the sight stabiliser to reset while turning 180 degrees in relation to a target.
- HKP3C — a bug has been fixed where the ATGM targeting area was reduced while the sight stabiliser is activated (report[community.gaijin.net]).
- Super Mystere B2 — a bug has been fixed with a missing AS-20 missile in the secondary armament.
- Pe-8 — bomb drop order has been fixed. External pylons go first, then the bomb bay opens. Separate bomb drop has been added for FAB-250SV, FAB-500SV, and FAB-1000 bombs.
- Yak-1B — a bug has been fixed where wing rocket rails may be displayed in a no rocket weapon setup.
- 30mm GIAT M781 gun — a bug has been fixed where the “New 30mm guns” module increased the spread at 500m distance (report[community.gaijin.net]).
- S-199 — the number of respawn has been fixed from 1 to 3.
- Now, when the artillery mount is damaged, the x-ray shows barrels as damaged too.
- HMS Blackpool — a bug has been fixed where the mortars after repeated damage might be displayed as undamaged.
- Admiral Hipper — a bug has been fixed that led to the incorrect animation of the rangefinders on the fire control towers.
- HMS Garland — required camera position for the depth charges drop has been fixed.
- Sverdlov — drown parameters have been adjusted, pumping time reduced.
- MPK Pr.12412 - ammo replenishment time for the 30mm/54 AK-630 gun has been significantly reduced.
- USS Gearing — radar is now able to track air targets.
- Explosives type of the British shells has been fixed:
- 305mm Mk.VIa APC: TNT → Lyddite;
- 343mm Mk.Ia APC: Shellite → Lyddite;
- 343mm CPC: Shellite → TNT.
- A bug when using the Nvidia GPU on medium or high quality settings of the global illumination in battles in the dark day time under the player’s aircraft on the ground could display a highlighted square, has been fixed (report[community.gaijin.net]).
- A bug where moving cameras in dark day time battles could display a dark band of edges of the screen has been fixed.
- Console players can now open the appearance view of vehicles from the “Premium Packs” screen in the in-game store.
- For your convenience, you can now select the type of vehicles to display packs in the Xbox in-game store.
- “Restart” button has been added to the game settings when changing sound settings that require you to restart the game client.
- A bug that caused some helicopters to lose their marker for offensive weapon or turret when switching the small arms selector (report[community.gaijin.net]).
- The engine sound management system of enemy/allied vehicles has been reconfigured so as to eliminate the possibility of appearing of “silent” vehicles around the player’s vehicle. This applies to ground vehicles and aircraft.
- The engine volumes of enemy/allied ground vehicles have been aligned with each other.
- A bug that caused enemy/allied jets to be inaudible when approaching the player has been fixed.
- Sounds of the machine guns of the ground vehicles received more dynamics. It means that each shot has become more audible compared to the previous and subsequent ones.
- Hits on the ground vehicle of the player and enemies/allies received low-frequency and mid-frequency components of the explosion. Previously the most distinguishable element was the clang of a shell against armour.
Changes in PVE game modes
- In the “Assault Ground Arcade” mode, a bug where it wasn’t possible to respawn in helicopters of a BR under 8.3 has been fixed.
Other Changes
- Ability to play in squads in the missions of dynamic campaigns has been disabled.
- A bug where simultaneous vehicle movement and interacting with game chat could cause controls to be blocked has been fixed (report[forum.warthunder.com]).
- Advance to the Rhine — A bug which could lead to sudden destruction of a player's aircraft when flying at a low altitude along the river has been fixed (report[community.gaijin.net]).
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.