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Originally posted by jetblade545: Will they at least finish the c*ckpits?
This question pop-up every now and then in our Q&A.
Are bomber c*ckpits going to be developed further? I’m interested in the visualisation of steering controls. Fighters and assault airplanes have this, but bombers don’t. It seems a shame to be looking at a wooden yoke in SB that doesn’t move as the airplane does.
Answer: For dimensional prototypes of cabins – no, we have no plans for that. Only for separate c*ckpits, as is the case now.
3 years ago we were told that bomber c*ckpits were coming, can we expect them any time soon?Answered by Kirill Yudintsev: We have implemented 2 of them. And we do not see any growth in their popularity. I was talking only about SB mode (but we also have statistics about usage of c*ckpits in RB mode).
I understand your feelings, but looks like that we are alone in this world :( Well, maybe there are hundreds of us, but most players even in SB do not care about c*ckpits for bombers.