over 4 years
ago -
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From 11:00 GMT on the 7th of August until 11:00 GMT on the 31st of August
Earn Stars⭐ completing marathon tasks. The more Stars you have, the more prizes you will get: premium and event vehicles, special decals from the “Mythical Creatures” series and decorations from the “Weapons” series!
Ar 196 A-3
rank I, Germany, premium[/u]
Infanterikanonvagn 73
rank II, Sweden, premium
Freccia P-493
rank II, Italy, premium
F-11F-1 Tiger
rank VI, USA, event vehicle
Leopard C2A1 MEXAS
rank VI, Germany, event vehicle
“Maxim Gorky”, 1941
rank IV, USSR, event vehicle
Event vehicles of rank IV and VI, decorations and decals will be given out as coupons. Premium vehicles of rank I and II, decorations, decals and camouflages will be immediately activated on the account.
Check out the full article here![warthunder.com]