4 months
ago -
Blitzkrieg Wulf
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Soon, 11 vehicles that are available for Golden Eagles will soon be removed from sale.
If you’re interested in these vehicles, be sure to take advantage of the discount for them that is going on right now!
When: From today until September 30th (12:00 GMT), the following vehicles are available for Golden Eagles with a 50% discount.
Please note that these vehicles will no longer be available on a permanent basis after the above date.
Great Britain
- Hudson Mk.V, rank II
- Havoc Mk.I, rank II
- Attacker FB.2, rank V
- Vijayanta, rank VI
- Wellington Mk.Ic, rank II
- He 219 A-7, rank IV
- A6M2, rank III
- F-89D, rank V
- Ki-96, rank III
- Fw 190 A-5, rank IV
- I-16 type 28, rank II
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