about 10 hours
ago -
War Thunder Commander
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- Wyvern S.4 — overheating parameters have been adjusted to increase the time it takes to overheat the engine and to increase its survivability during overheat. (Report[community.gaijin.net]). Source: Pilot's Notes for the Westland Wyvern S.4.
- In Ground Realistic Battles, the number of Spawn Points it takes to use aircraft with ASMs with IR seekers has been increased by 8%. The maximum spawn cost (when the Battle Rating of the aircraft is equal to the maximum Battle Rating of the vehicles in the session) with these weapons is now 972 SP (versus 896 SP before the change). This type of weaponry includes for example the Kh-38MT on the Su-30SM and AASM 250 (SBU 64) on the Rafale C F3.
- A bug that caused the crew window to switch to the aircraft tab when applying changes to ground or naval crew skills training has been fixed.