  • A bug that made moving the radar scan zone vertically and horizontally impossible in TWS mode has been fixed. (Report[]).
  • A bug that made it possible to select a target that had moved outside of the current radar scan zone when switching targets cyclically has been fixed.
  • As it is now possible to move the radar scan zone horizontally in TWS mode with cyclic target switching turned on, the values set by the player for the horizontal radar target cue control axis and the radar tilt control axis are now in sync with the automatic changes in the scan zone's location due to tracking. Just as they were in sync when cyclic target switching was turned off. Due to this, now when the target track has been lost in the cyclic target switching mode, the scan zone behavior is the same as when the option is turned off — the scan zone doesn’t recenter and stays oriented to where the target has been lost.
  • F/A-18A — a bug that caused the weaponry MFD page to be compressed horizontally has been fixed.
Ground Vehicles
  • XM246 — some armor inaccuracies have been fixed.
  • XM246 — a bug where the retraction of the search radar was not reflected in the damage model has been fixed.
  • XM246 — the aiming angles of the machine gun on the turret have been adjusted.
Locations and Missions
  • When a new modification is researched after a battle, the button to purchase all modifications in the modifications window is now replaced with a button to purchase all researched modifications.
  • A bug where the nation discount label would appear when the research tree was collapsed and would not show the discount percentage has been fixed.
  • The creation of new items from recycled ones is now limited to 100 per creation to ensure the ease of looking at the list of received items.
  • Sands of Sinai — small rocks which were blocking the passageway between the rocks in grid square C5 have been removed.
  • Sinai (all missions) — the display of the ground textures from high altitudes has been adjusted so that the textures no longer appear mozaic.
Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service[], forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.