4 months
ago -
War Thunder. Official channel.
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | [Music] |
6s | hi welcome to Thunder show and the most |
9s | destructive moments of the past week |
12s | today's episode is all about scoring |
14s | high with minimal effort let's get |
22s | started a trizzy here is a super |
25s | hardcore student of cost cutting instead |
28s | of Simply counting their shots they make |
30s | every shot count for two one shell away |
34s | and two machines explode at once one |
37s | with the shell another with the |
42s | [Music] |
44s | sabot but what if your shells don't have |
47s | a sabot to discard no problem just limit |
50s | your shots to firing lines that have at |
52s | least two Targets yep just like that |
56s | helicopter only a few kilomet away done |
60s | a single round takes down both the |
61s | aircraft and the sights and another heli |
64s | somewhere that |
69s | [Music] |
71s | way when the French developed the sh 2C |
74s | bis they didn't really expect tanks to |
76s | fight in urban environments they should |
79s | have though because this super Heavy's |
81s | massive Howitzer is actually pretty good |
83s | at close range one boom and three |
86s | vehicles are blown away |
93s | they say one's as good as none but it |
95s | doesn't seem to be true for aerial |
97s | combat never core mad has to face down |
100s | no less than 10 enemies in this fight |
103s | they're also running low on points of |
105s | course and you know what they down |
107s | enemies one after another watching the |
110s | opponent score slowly crawl to zero |
113s | enemy effort seems to be fruitless what |
116s | a confident coldblooded victory |
120s | [Music] |
126s | what's the most Vehicles you've ever |
127s | wiped out with a single strike like best |
130s | possible number in any case we don't |
132s | believe anyone could beat the record of |
134s | this pilot 12 vehicles with a single |
137s | bomb the only survivors from the entire |
140s | enemy team are a single anti-air gun and |
143s | a light tank to shreds you say |
153s | and now let's visit live War Thunder |
155s | where we have one of the prettiest and |
157s | most expensive anniversary gifts granted |
160s | it's a very respectable anniversary and |
162s | the recipient isn't a person but an |
164s | entire Squadron the Californian Griffins |
168s | also known as the 194th FS turned 75 and |
173s | this is a memorable camo for the |
175s | historical F-15 stunning simply stunning |
187s | and what was your best birthday gift |
189s | just don't say when my replay got into |
191s | Thunders shell we're sure you had |
194s | brighter moments in your life outside of |
196s | the blinding explosions and War Thunder |
198s | as always we are looking forward to your |
200s | Feats and deeds see you |
203s | [Music] |