about 2 months
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Originally posted by ~Francis~: Another topic covered thousands of times, yes! Tell me though I am serious I'm losing everything. Higher tier? Lower tier? air battles? ground battles? Anything but CAS please I don't subscribe to that spineless notion.Air RB, some rank II-III agile attacker with nice bombload + a lot of ammo. (best if premium because of SL multiplier).
You need a bit of luck (a proper map with lots of ground targets on a large area), but you can get a lot of SL.
My setup:
UK: Avenger Mk II or Hellcat Mk II (both premium) + SL Booster (if you have, it's easy to get them from warbonds for example) + Thunderer Wager (if I have one, it requires rank III, so in this case Hellcat is the aircraft) + during the battle, before I start to farm ground targets, I activate Antimech Wager (it gives you x3 SL for short time).
If you don't have a premium aircraft, it's still the same scenario, but with different aircraft (you get less SL, but still a lot).
Why this way? Easiest way for me. I like aircraft and if you get a proper battle (big map with lots of ground targets) it's possible that most players will focus on dogfights, so you can sneak to the side and farm the ground. And when the enemy gets close, you still have your mg to take care of them (usually they undermine you, thinking you have no firepower to get them). And sometimes, you can get that "Surprise" kill dropping bomb on enemy on your 6, which gives additional ego boost :D )
This only works if you are an "air" type, know how to fly (the part where the enemy attacks you) and do not have problems with being shot down and getting nothing (bad map, enemy immediately gowing on you etc).
Just tested it, so you can see it's not so hard.