about 2 years ago - magazine2 - Direct link
Originally posted by 此喵非彼喵:
Originally posted by Suthirak_D42: You can click their name in scoreboard. It has player card and you can report them there.
Got it.

but is it really work? They are fine, if cheater all in rank !, !! Vehicles. but I have seen people using superman skills in rank V, VI, VII. they just made the game unbalance.

For what I know, reports won't work unless someone get enough reports from others. They probably need to be reported 20 times to be banned.

Please report any suspected cheaters via the server replay function. https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/412393-how-to-report-players-using-the-server-replay-function%E2%80%A6/
