12 days ago - FryingTiger - Direct link
Load alot of smoke for the 75mm. (I know sound a bit off why not take some real ammo but hear me out). At the Maus's br the 75 and the ammo for it is only good against wheelie things and the occasional very lucky shot (especially since the reticle ballistics are tied to the main gun unless you are using the seperate control function)
What I do in both my Maus and E-100, since they are both soo slow, is use the 75 to literally blind the enemy team with smoke from the 75 as I slow roll at them. This forces them to move and pop out at me where I can shoot them with the main gun when its reloaded. This also saves the main smoke grenades for when Im tracked in the open (and allows me to smoke up the guy that shot me or cover those ridgelines so my team can get to places to help). Be annoying with it, be constant with it. They already know you are on the map and what you are driving. So unbalance the match as far as you can by making them as blind as you can while you pick them off between reloads allowing your team to advnace under the carpet of cloud cover.

Hope this helps.

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