2 months
ago -
War Thunder Commander
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Ground Vehicles
- A bug that caused wagons and trains to be marked as enemies has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
- A bug that caused radars on ground vehicles to display target markers from the previous battle has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
- A bug that caused ground vehicles to appear in the center of the map and fall underground upon respawning has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
- A bug that made it impossible to use some weapons and countermeasures at speeds above the specified Mach number drop limit for the selected weapon has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
- MiG-21 Bis (Sweden) — a bug that caused an incorrect amount of fuel in the drop-tank has been fixed.
- F-15E, F-15I Ra’am — maximum speed at ground level has been reduced to ~M1.28 (aircraft without external weapons and fuel tanks). Maximum speed at other altitudes has been adjusted closer to references (slightly reduced at altitudes of 9 km-12 km, increased at 3 km-6 km).
- JAS39A, JAS39C — a bug where there was no capture stabilization for the AGM-65G has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net])
- A bug which made it impossible to change the rate of fire of the gun on helicopters has been fixed. (Report).
- A bug that caused enemy markers to not be visible in Air Realistic Battles at distances further than 10 km has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
- A bug where the “Nvidia - Highlights” button was displayed incorrectly in the post-battle statistics window has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
- A bug where arcade prompts such as “High speed. Retract gear” would display in Air Simulator battles has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
- A bug where sharpening in the post effects settings was not applied has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
- A bug that made it impossible to change the “VSync” setting without restarting the game client after switching from windowed to full-screen mode has been fixed. (Report).
- A bug that caused some players to experience performance drops has been fixed. Previously, selecting DLSS in the settings would block FXAA and SSAA, even if those settings were enabled. Due to a bug after the Firebirds update, players with FXAA and SSAA enabled and DLSS selected caused DLSS to disable and SSAA 4x to enable.
- A bug where the afterburner flame effect was displayed incorrectly on minimum graphics settings has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).