almost 2 years ago - Stona - Direct link

We have introduced Israeli Helicopters in Wind of Change update. If we introduce new tree (in this case, Israeli helis), in upcoming updates we expand it. I think that only exception was with Japan.

No one care on numbers. What's the difference for game if you have 1000 AH-64 or 1 AH-64?

When we will be ready to show it to you

We always need more data. PUBLICLY available data. We cannot and do not want to use confidential document, so if you already started to make copies of such data, please stop.

almost 2 years ago - Stona - Direct link

Please be aware that War Thunder forum is an international forum. We have players from around the world. In many cases, English is not their primary language, sometimes even not the secondary.

As long as you can understand what someone tried to say, I do not see any reason to raise language issues in post.