Transcript (by Youtube)

4s The Shooting Range
8s In this episode...
9s Pages of History: First Turboprop Strike Aircraft
14s Tactics & Strategy: Toss CAS
18s And Metal Beasts: Punchy Trophy
30s The Summer Extreme event is almost over, so it’s time to try its main awards.
35s We’d like to begin with the lowest-tier vehicle received by most players.
40s Please welcome a German wheeled tank destroyer, the Pz.Sp.Wg.P204.
47s Its main and only caliber is a 50-mm gun
50s with elevation angles between −12 and +14 degrees.
54s The engine is found in the rear, while the transmission is in the bottom of the hull.
59s The ammo racks are found in the hull center and turret sides.
64s French vehicle enthusiasts must’ve already noticed
67s that the lower part of this machine looks suspiciously familiar...
71s And for good reason.
73s The Germans used trophy AMD.35 hulls to build this vehicle.
78s In War Thunder, this chassis can boast an excellent
80s speed both forward and in reverse.
83s Even compared to pretty mobile Rank 1 tanks,
86s the French and German wheelers feel like race cars,
89s which makes it easy for them to reach good positions among the first.
96s Now, what all AMD.35 modifications lacked was good armament.
101s Both 25 and 47-mm cannons used solid shots,
105s ordnance with unreliable performance against armor found at this rank
109s and a subpar after-penetration effect.
112s The German vehicle, however, knows no such issues.
115s It’s a tank destroyer, after all!
118s Its 50-mm cannon with a quick reload and good capped rounds
122s leaves no chance to the enemy.
124s The depression angles are also nice, by the way: −12 degrees.
129s No bump under your wheels will impede your aim and successful hits.
137s The only flaw is the low horizontal and vertical traverse speed.
141s But is it really a flaw at Rank 1?
144s More like a historical feature.
149s With a high speed and a powerful gun,
151s this machine is all about decisive, quick action.
154s The P204 is a perfect vehicle to learn how to play aggressively but also reasonably.
160s It promotes great tactical ideas and rewards you with frags
164s but forgives no mistakes.
166s This wheeler’s armor can’t hold even a small punch,
169s so you need to be able to predict danger and shoot first when you play it.
188s This story isn’t about the Wyvern alone.
190s It’s more about the concept this machine created.
193s And, of course, it’s about the creator, aircraft engineer Teddy Petter,
198s who Britain widely considered a pretty odd gentleman.
201s The aircraft he made were just as odd as he was:
204s with unconventional designs, sometimes even radical or grotesque,
208s they somehow flew pretty well.
210s Although, it’s still a question why they flew.
213s That’s right!
215s Take the Whirlwind for instance.
216s When the military officials first saw it, they were shocked.
220s They said, “This thing will never fly!”
223s But it did. And it did so splendidly.
226s The odd twin-engined plane, however, was impossible to adapt
229s to the missions the Royal Air Force wanted, so it was quickly discarded.
234s But...
235s it did an amazing job at laying the foundations
238s for the concept of a British twin-engined fighter.
242s The Beaufighter and the Mosquito were created
243s using the experience gained from the Whirlwind.
247s Still, the most exciting story happened when Teddy Petter claimed
250s he knew perfectly well how to make a multirole fighter-bomber
254s with torpedo capabilities for the Royal Navy.
257s The Navy just gave up on him:
259s “Let him build whatever he wants.”
261s It was the third year of the war,
263s and the Navy was still using obsolete Swordfish biplanes.
267s Proposed replacements were either no good or met with such issues
271s that no mass production could be expected in the next year or two.
275s And when the first prototype Wyvern was built,
277s albeit with a piston engine at first,
279s it felt like one couldn’t have given it a less natural shape.
283s The Navy violently rejected the 24-cylinder H-block engine from Napier.
287s They did the same to a competing project by Blackburn.
290s And while the future creators of the Firebrand chose to patiently wait
294s for the 18-cylinder radial Bristol Centaurus engine to be ready,
298s Teddy Petter would have none of it.
300s You see, he wasn’t the only odd gentleman: he had odd friends.
305s For instance, John Digby from British Electric,
307s a big enthusiast of turboprop engines −
310s a type considered exotic at the time.
313s We think you know where this is heading and how Her Majesty’s Navy reacted to it...
317s Only, it happened after the war.
320s Teddy Petter found no support at the time.
323s The aircraft industry was entering the turbojet era,
326s putting Attackers and Sea Hawks onto carrier decks...
329s While also making propellers,
331s even the super advanced contra-rotating ones, an anachronism.
335s Look at this Wyvern, the first ever turboprop combat aircraft,
340s take off from a carrier’s deck.
343s Just enjoy its odd beauty while we tell you what happened next.
347s The Wyvern’s life was actually pretty short:
349s by the late 1950s, it was retired as a pointless and completely outdated plane.
354s World aviation was feverishly building jet engines,
357s and racing for top speed felt like the only true way.
361s Turboprop strike aircraft like the American A2D Skyshark,
365s the Soviet Tu-91, or the French Breguet Alizé anti-submarine aircraft
370s found no wide fame.
372s The Wyvern, however, would be remembered much later,
375s with the rebirth of strike aviation.
378s Oh, then they’d understand how good this concept of a light turboprop striker is!
383s Have you ever heard how the famous Mustang became a turboprop?
387s Or like in the 21st century, basically right now,
390s we have turboprops like the Pilatus PC-21,
393s the Calidus B-250,
396s or the Super Tucano?
398s All of those planes were inspired by the Wyvern!
401s Here she is, watch her climb!
404s As for Teddy Petter...
406s He was undeterred after another cold welcome received by his creation.
410s He would go on to make a few more planes
412s whose value would only be discovered with time.
415s But that’s a story for some other time...
432s The latest major update introduced some changes
435s to the ballistic computer mechanics.
438s It simplified close air support for jet aircraft
440s and made it possible to use new combat tactics.
443s For instance, you can now attack ground targets by tossing your ordnance.
448s Let’s talk about how you can hit a target without even seeing it.
454s The main advantage of tossing is the ability to employ unguided weaponry
458s at a longer distance, outside of air defense range.
462s You can use both bombs and rockets for this.
465s Let’s start with the rockets.
466s Take as many blocks of them as you can,
469s place them closer to the centerline of the aircraft, and join a battle.
473s Once you spawn, get close to the ground to make yourself invisible to enemy AA.
478s It’ll also help you gain speed;
479s and the higher your speed, the further your rockets will fly.
483s Just keep in mind that some planes have a limit on rocket launch speed.
487s Now, let’s talk about aiming.
490s If you simply launch the rockets towards the enemy, you’re unlikely to score a hit.
494s You need a squadmate to be efficient,
496s someone who can leave a squad marker on the target.
499s If you have one, just turn towards the ground part of the map...
503s Pitch up, place your sights at the marker’s lowest point...
507s And fire!
508s You don’t even need to see the enemy:
510s your rockets will follow a flat trajectory above some obstacles and hit it.
514s Once your rockets are away, you can turn and go lower to a safe area.
519s Your success depends on a number of factors.
522s The main one is the accuracy of the squad marker.
525s The target choice is also important:
527s your spotter should pick a vehicle with weaker armor and slow or no movement.
532s Anti-aircraft vehicles are the best choice.
535s The ordnance you use also matters.
537s Smaller caliber rockets like the Mighty Mouse
539s or the S-8 are better launched in dozens.
543s The Zuni or the S-13 have much more explosives so two or three might be enough.
548s The heaviest rockets, however, like the S-24 or the S-25,
552s aren’t a really good choice for tossing.
556s This type of attack has low accuracy,
558s and launching multiple heavy rockets at a single target might be a waste.
563s You can also do some tossing on your own.
565s You’ll have to spot your target yourself, though,
568s by looking at strategic points capture or team markers on the map.
575s Both rockets and bombs can be used with this tactic,
578s attacking light vehicles and tanks alike.
581s But bombs come with their own difficulties:
583s tossing a bomb over an obstacle is much harder, even with a squad marker.
588s That’s why we think it’s best if the pilot can actually see the target.
595s Some might remember that planes have rotary-wing siblings,
599s and some of those have ballistic computers, too...
602s But tossing on choppers is probably not a good idea.
605s Only a few of them can achieve 300 km/h with a load,
609s while tossing rockets needs even higher speeds.
612s Trying to use this tactic on a helicopter is more like braking with an altitude gain,
617s pitching the nose down, and shooting in level flight.
620s Don’t expect tossing to be efficient in any way with a chopper.
624s If you want to see it in action, check out episode #231 of The Shooting Range:
629s we attempted this challenge there.
631s It was a fun experiment, but it wasn’t what you’d call a major success.
638s Is there anything we missed here? Tell us in the comments!
642s Meanwhile, we’ll answer some of your questions...
659s The first question was sent by a player called Alpha Wolffe:
663s “Should I get the f16 first or f14b?”
668s Hi there Alpha Wolf. The F-14B is more versatile.
672s It’s great for long-range air battles
674s and precision ground strikes with laser-guided munitions.
677s he F-16, on the other hand, is more exciting
680s in close-range combat and unguided CAS.
685s TSF71 asks:
687s “Which plane can hold the most unguided rockets in the game?”
692s Hi TSF. It’s the Phantoms! They can carry no less than 285 rockets.
699s Another question comes from David Martin:
702s “Will you add AIM-7 Sparrow missiles to aircraft such as the F-4F Phantom?”
708s Hi David. In real life, the German Phantoms never carried Sparrow missiles,
713s so we’re not planning to add them in the game.
717s Cpt Frostbite writes:
719s “What’s the difference between the aj37 and ajs37”
725s Hey, Captain Frostbite.
726s The AJS modification received additional external hardpoints for extra Sidewinders.
732s Besides, it can carry the all-aspect RB 74 and up to four Maverick missiles.
740s And the last comment for today was written by Quontox:
743s “Why can't stingers or similar IR missiles lock onto helicopters
747s from their normal range of 5-6 km instead of the 2-3 km in game.”
753s Hi there. It has to do with the helicopter exhaust
756s being much colder than that on jets.
759s It’s extra visible when you compare helis with afterburning fighters.
764s Besides, helicopters fly at lower speeds, so they don’t heat up much from air drag.
770s All of this affects the lock-on range of the missiles.
773s That’s it for today. You’ve been watching the Shooting Range by Gaijin Entertainment,
777s and the next episode will premier the following Sunday
780s at 4 PM GMT or noon Eastern time.
783s Subscribe and click the bell if you don’t want to miss our next videos.
787s Don’t forget to toss a ceramic bomb to add insult to injury,
791s leave a like, share your thoughts and comments...
793s and see you next week!