Transcript (by Youtube)

6s Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the most eye-popping moments of the past week.
12s We were going to have another round of the traditional “air VS ground” battle,
17s but then we’ve got... THEM!
20s You’ll see what we mean.
21s Let’s get started!
28s Lexbomb6464 might seem to be taking a careful aim,
31s but we believe they’re simply pushing the danger level to the extreme
36s just to shoot down this plane off their ally’s six!
41s Risky!
42s But they managed to cover an aircraft using their SPG so it still counts.
49s Good job!
54s How do you defeat an anti-aircraft gun? Simple!
57s Just stop being an aircraft.
59s Basically, land on the sand.
62s According to the AA code of honor, you’re not a target anymore,
65s so they can’t shoot you.
67s Drive closer and enjoy spraying your enemies in comfort.
71s And that’s it! Back to the skies!
79s However, this tactic won’t help you against players like Fantafuzz.
84s They’re using a regular Sherman here, not an SPAAG,
88s so maybe they could relax and do some ground stuff...
91s But no, habit is habit,
94s so they’re still looking up to score themselves some planes.
97s It would’ve been a regular game with one or two air frags,
101s but this tanker takes down no less than seven aircraft!
110s Don’t think that planes are helpless, though.
112s It’s the opposite, in fact.
114s This player, for instance, stole their gramps’ Chaika,
118s took it to a realistic ground battle,
120s and dropped some bombs in a daring super close range attack.
124s One explosion, and three machines are torn to pieces,
128s including a modern anti-aircraft vehicle!
136s Things change so fast in battle.
139s Here you’re fighting some tanks and aircraft, then you blink...
143s and the battlefield is full of weird retro-futuristic machines!
147s What’s worse, you’re inside of some robot!
151s Well, such things won’t stagger old vets like PerchiKZhuk:
154s they take the HOG and start jumping around and crushing things!
159s 20 frags in a single battle,
161s with almost all of them done with this deadly ball of steel!
169s And now let’s take a break and check out Live WarThunder...
173s Look at this stunning Norwegian Strf 90 bringing some winter snow early!
180s Although, the anomalously high temperatures are getting to Scandinavia, too,
184s judging by the dirt marks on the tracks of this tank.
188s It’s not a historical camo, but the attention to detail is still amazing!
192s You can even find boot prints on this machine!
204s By the way, how’s the weather over in your region?
207s Hot, too? We feel ya.
210s Just a little bit more to endure...
212s If it ain’t hot, though,
214s could you please bottle some of that weather and send it our way?
217s As an attachment to your replays, of course.
219s Looking forward to it! See you!