about 1 month
ago -
Blitzkrieg Wulf
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- F-15 (all variants) — a bug where it was impossible to apply a decal to one part of the air intakes has been fixed.
- Su-25, Su-25K — a bug where the armor penetration values of the Kh-25, S-25OF and S-25OFM rockets was not indicated has been fixed.
- Osa-AKM, ItO 90M — a bug where the radar search angles did not match in the X-ray menu and in battle has been fixed.
- Khrizantema-S — a bug where only the second missile fired, not the first guided to the target after capturing an enemy vehicle has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
- A bug where smoke from the engine could continue to come out of the exhaust pipes when a vehicle was destroyed has been fixed.
- Display of targeting tracking angles in the radar interface has been fixed.
- A bug where using a custom scope would cause the new range to show instantly without delay has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
- Clouds being too low in aircraft missions, leading to problems with landing or attacking vehicles in cloudy conditions has been fixed.
- Reflections in water in rainy and foggy weather with RT enabled in the graphics settings has been fixed.
- A bug that caused the “Processing operation” message to repeatedly appear after clicking on a vehicle in the convertible research points window that had been removed from research has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).