about 3 years ago - Stona_WT - Direct link

Erroneous underestimation of HE impact of aircraft missiles has been fixed.

A hint that you need to destroy enemy aircraft to unlock new ones has been added to the interface in selecting aircraft for participation in the “TailSpin” event.

A bug where the “Sly Duck” aircraft wasn't being given out in the “TailSpin” event has been fixed. All players who have unlocked this aircraft will have it available for flight in the event.

Battle Pass challenges “Sol lucet omnibus” and “Bellum omnium contra omnes” now permits inclusion also from streak aviation in tank ar

about 3 years ago - Stona_WT - Direct link

Erroneous underestimation of HE impact of aircraft missiles has been fixed.

A hint that you need to destroy enemy aircraft to unlock new ones has been added to the interface in selecting aircraft for participation in the

“TailSpin” event.

A bug where the “Sly Duck” aircraft wasn't being given out in the “TailSpin” event has been fixed. All players who have unlocked this aircraft will have it available for flight in the event.

Battle Pass challenges “Sol lucet omnibus” and “Bellum omnium contra omnes” now permits inclusion also from streak aviation in tank a