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Hi! We did several UI changes in this update - what part do you not like specifically?
Originally posted by Terranical:Originally posted by magazine2: Hi! We did several UI changes in this update - what part do you not like specifically?Right clicking on vehicles UI is extremely squareshaped, it feels mobile-like, why bother changing that, revert it as the old one is more nice to the eyes. I know it could be irrelevant but that's one concern. The other is cannon shell information, it is all over the place and just revert it back to it's previous UI which is way better and less mobile-like.
Generally what I have seen with these UI changes it's like turning the game into a mobile-port version of it on the iphone and it's becoming more corporate meaning it doesn't look good. I remember when you changed vehicle portraits from historical to mobile 360 potraits, why not give us an option to revert them back?
Give us options, I am sure newer players would enjoy it but after playing 10 years of this game, I recommend you giving us the option to revert it back.
Originally posted by French Cat:Originally posted by magazine2: Hi! We did several UI changes in this update - what part do you not like specifically?The new weapon cards are wayyy too compact and full of info. It's like an excel spreadsheet. You failed to highlight a lot of the important stuff. You guys need to higher a graphic designer that knows menus bruh.