over 1 year
ago -
Blitzkrieg Wulf
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Commanders, get ready for battle: as we celebrate the recent the global release of War Thunder Mobile! Fans of realistic tank, naval, and air battles can download the game for free on Android[play.google.com] and iOS[apps.apple.com] and join hundreds of thousands of players who participated in the open beta already.
During the OBT, War Thunder Mobile got a lot better: we significantly improved the game stability, optimized it and fixed a lot of bugs. Two big updates added new vehicles and locations, the ability to modify vehicles and play in a squad with friends and much more. Now War Thunder Mobile can be downloaded from the app stores and will receive updates automatically!
Joint Operation between War Thunder and War Thunder Mobile!
In honor of this solemn occasion, War Thunder and War Thunder Mobile are starting a joint operation! Play War Thunder Mobile, win and get twice as many rewards!
Tasks and prizes The team has prepared a list of tasks in War Thunder Mobile for you. For the successful completion of each, you will immediately receive a reward in both games:
War Thunder Rewards All tasks need to be completed in War Thunder Mobile.
- M4 in a unique camouflage — Take 1st place three times on your team.
- Hatsuzuki in a unique camouflage — Win 3 battles.
War Thunder Mobile Rewards All tasks need to be completed in War Thunder Mobile.
- M4 Sherman platoon — Take 1st place three times on your team.
- Hatsuzuki — Win 3 battles.
War Thunder players can log into War Thunder Mobile with their Gaijin accounts. War Thunder Mobile players will simply need to link their existing Apple ID, Google Play ID, or Facebook ID to their Gaijin account. If you’re already playing War Thunder Mobile using your Gaijin account, then you’re all set!
M4A4 platoon and USS Nicholas for all War Thunder Mobile players
All players who log into War Thunder Mobile until August 29th will receive a USS Nicholas destroyer and a French tank platoon with unique camouflages! Learn more about these vehicles here[wtmobile.com].
Don't miss out on this unique chance to get incredible vehicles and commemorative decorators!