Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
4s building your own war planes was always
6s prohibitively expensive but it became
8s even more difficult after World War II
11s with Europe being in a state of economic
13s decline even though Italy France and the
16s UK were still capable of Designing new
18s vehicles on their own creating a new
21s truly modern strike aircraft definitely
23s required a joint effort across the
25s continent that's the story of the
27s panavia tornado multi-roll combat air
30s craft developed through the combined
32s efforts of France Germany and a number
35s of other
38s countries in the early 1960s the British
41s were looking for a replacement for the
43s Aging Hawker Hunter fighter bomber and
45s the Blackburn Buccaneer a carrier
47s capable attack aircraft the military was
50s specifically interested in a plane with
52s vertical takeoff and Landing
54s capabilities and a variable sweep Wing
57s this kind of design would allow the
58s aircraft to adjust its flying
60s characteristics right in the air giving
62s it a great level of tactical flexibility
65s at that point vicker's Armstrong and
67s desol were both among a number of
70s leading Aviation companies that were
71s developing Technologies in the
77s field shortly afterwards other countries
80s and companies joined the initiative as
82s well in 1969 Germany Britain and Italy
85s founded panavia aircraft in fact there
88s were even more Nations that contributed
90s to the project but the brunt of the work
92s fell on the UK and Germany as they were
94s responsible for up to 85% of the work
97s the program was initially called
99s multi-roll combat aircraft or mrca the
103s plan was to develop a single aircraft
105s that could perform quick strikes on
107s enemy airfields provide reconnaissance
109s and also support units on the ground
111s regardless of the time of day or weather
114s conditions it also needed to be able to
116s fight other aircraft although that was
118s not a priority
122s the first time a tornado prototype took
124s to the skies was in
126s 1974 in the end Engineers opted for a
128s twin seat multi-roll aircraft with a
131s variable sweep Wing that could reach the
133s speed of almost Mach 2 at high altitudes
136s test pilots rated the prototypes rather
138s highly and specifically praised them for
141s their ease of handling it wasn't all
143s smooth sailing though in order to avoid
145s future problems Engineers had to
147s repprofile the engine intakes and no
150s less than two vehicles were lost when
152s panavia tested more sophisticated
154s stability augmentation systems and
162s autopilots in the end though it was all
165s worth it in 1979 the aircraft was
168s finally accepted into service the UK and
171s Germany were the first to use it
173s promptly followed by the Italian Air
174s Force all in all Engineers succeeded on
177s all fronts the aircraft was astonishing
180s agile at low altitudes and could
182s effectively destroy Targets on the
184s ground with its modern weapons like
186s Paveway laser guided bombs it could also
189s give hell to enemy Fighters with
190s different variants of The Sidewinder
192s missile and the Mouser revolver Cannon
195s furthermore the tornado was even capable
197s of delivering air launched nuclear
202s weapons as things stand the most
204s produced variant of the tornado is the
206s tornado IDs interdictor SL Strike
209s Fighter bomber tornadoes of this type
212s were used in the Gulf War Iraq and Syria
215s with almost zero losses and the planes
217s that were lost were usually brought down
219s by friendly fire or mistakes made
221s outside of combat all in all there were
224s almost a th000 units made and the final
227s list of operators also included an
229s Export customer outside of Europe Saudi
232s Arabia the UK decommissioned their
234s tornadoes in 2019 but other operator
237s countries keep using the panavia tornado
239s to this very
244s day in War Thunder the panavia tornado
247s is waiting for you at ranks seven and 8
249s of The Air Tech Tree all in all there
252s are eight different variants of the
253s aircraft found across the tech trees of
255s Italy Britain and Germany some better
258s suited for air combat and some
260s specialized in taking care of targets on
262s the ground what's your favorite variant
265s of the panavia tornado tell us in the
268s comments below
271s [Music]