Transcript (by Youtube)

1s foreign
10s moments of the past week sometimes you
14s blow up your enemies other times you're
17s the fireworks and sometimes both happen
20s at once
21s such are the random battles let's get
25s started
30s War Thunder has this saved wherever you
33s are flying there is a stationary streets
36s wagon with its engine knocked out nearby
39s waiting for a chance to shoot you down
41s well okay there's no such thing but
44s there is a streets wagon and it is
46s waiting for the chance
54s you can lose an engine on the ground and
56s be fine but mid-flight it's a little bit
59s more of an issue it's still no reason to
61s give up as demonstrated by Leo fan da
65s they lost an engine but still managed to
67s cut down three enemies almost with a
70s single volley what happened next didn't
72s really matter did
79s if you lose your upper Gunner your top
82s is left unprotected fortunately when
84s you're flying directions aren't a fixed
87s thing the pilot simply flips their
89s bomber and voila they have an upper
92s turret again our condolences for the
94s crew and their motion sickness and props
97s to the player
103s on the one hand being shot with a smoke
105s shell might hurt your Prime on the other
108s hand it's actually considerate since no
111s one will see your graceless trip to the
113s hangar behind all that smoke yeah well
117s that doesn't work with heli's Shoulda
120s stayed in the smoke
127s in many cases a nuclear bomber means an
130s end to the game but not this time both
133s teams are ready for anything to prevent
135s their premature loss the enemy B-29 gets
138s shot down almost at the drop area and in
141s a minute this player gets their own
143s chance to fly the nuke their first
146s Challenger is a Nimble and threatening
148s Horton that sets the tu-4 on five but
151s still the squad gets ahead their second
154s challenge is ground fire and despite
157s getting hit the bomber delivers the load
159s and snatches the victory
166s woof that was hot let's take a break and
169s check out live War Thunder where we can
171s see this gorgeous skin for the m551
174s Sheridan this is inspired by a real
177s machine that took part in the ocean
179s Venture exercise in 1990. it might not
182s be a perfect copy but with this level of
184s detail and atmosphere it doesn't need to
193s one more thing you sometimes say that in
196s your battles only defeats and losses are
198s epic well for one we're sure that's
201s bound to end sooner or later second
204s how epic are we talking because it
206s doesn't need to be a win to be featured
208s there's also some gold involved you know
211s looking forward to your emails see you
216s foreign
222s thank you