Originally posted by WrenAndPeter:
Originally posted by magazine2: Continuing to play brings map experience which will help. It may take time with this game.
I highly recommend to always use your binoculars (default key on PC: "B"), these give you a zoomed in view while in your tank, using it often will make it become second nature and will greatly help spotting enemies.
I've been trying the binoculars. Its helped but rarely do I know *where* to look. Its like being given a hunting rifle with a scope but having no idea where the deer are lol. Except in this case the deer shoot back and have much more playtime than I do lmao
Is there a faction you'd recommend as the most "new player" friendly? I keep hearing that Russian is the way to go but I assume this is mostly high level players talking about metas way beyond anything I'll ever play it for a long time.
From my personal subjective view and experience after 11 years as a player, US and Germany are probably the most friendly for new players. The early ranks have a good mix of armor, firepower and mobility. Specifically the Stuarts, M22, M10, M18 for the US, and Pz.III's and IV's, Marders, StuGs for Germany. Both nations have good lineups too at all ranks, the USSR is also in the same boat. But if you had to go with 1, then Germany.