The Pvkv IV is the final design of a series of experimental Swedish tank destroyers, developed in the postwar period in an effort to equip the armed forces with modern fighting vehicles. Soon, the Pvkv IV will reinforce the early ranks of the Swedish ground forces tree with its arrival as part of the next major War Thunder update!Briefly: A prototype Swedish tank destroyer based on the Strv m/40L chassis, fitted with a powerful 57mm anti-tank cannon.
Pvkv IV, tank destroyer, Sweden, Rank III
- Punchy 57 mm cannon
- Good mobility
- Light protection
- Low turret traverse rate
In War Thunder, the Pvkv IV will complete the family of Swedish postwar experimental tank destroyers which began with the introduction of the Pvkv II in a previous update. Compared to its close relatives, the Pvkv IV brings with it some interesting differences which we’re keen to discuss with you in today’s devblog.
The most notable feature differentiating the Pvkv IV from its related designs is the fact that the vehicle is fitted with a fully enclosed fighting compartment, offering a higher degree of protection from enemy fire and shrapnel when compared to the familiar Pvkv II and III. Furthermore, the Pvkv IV is armed with the 57 mm Pvkan m/43, which tankers may be familiar with from the Pvkv III. Featuring overall good ballistic properties, the m/43 cannon is capable of punching through the armor of hostile vehicles at most common engagement distances at this rank. In contrast to the Pvkv III, the cannon of the Pvkv IV has a lengthier reload time caused by the cramped ergonomics of the turret which aspiring commanders of this vehicle ought to take into account before committing to intense brawls.
Having already mentioned the vehicle’s new turret as an improvement over the open fighting compartments on the other Pvkv’s, the Pvkv IV’s overall protection is comparable to the vehicle it’s based on - the Strv m/40L. However, as this is a light tank, commanders shouldn’t expect incredible levels of protection. In fact, the Pvkv IV’s hull can withstand machine gun and autocannon fire, but its relatively large turret is only protected by 13 mm of armored plating, thus making it very vulnerable to incoming enemy fire.
On the other hand, being a light tank ensures that the Pvkv IV possesses decent mobility, regardless of the terrain type. Being powered by a 142 hp gasoline engine, the Pvkv IV can reach a comfortable speed of 45 km/h under ideal conditions while its respectable power-to-weight ratio ensures quick acceleration and good mobility in off-road conditions.
Meet the Pvkv IV as it arrives at the medium ranks of the Swedish ground forces tree as part of the next major War Thunder update. In the meantime, be sure to stay tuned to the news as we continue to keep you posted on all the latest developments surrounding the upcoming update. Until then, happy hunting tankers!