over 1 year
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Originally posted by Tsuna: The only reason I use them is in Air RB where the last player on the other team is trying to hide from my team. Or to use a random order to block the blind hunt order.
Otherwise I see no real use for them as the game actively punishes you for using them and doing good. I get one good game in and for hours afterwards. It's nothing but max up tiers repeatedly. Not fun. Events bring out people using scrips and cheats to grind the event out.
And console players have an advantage over PC users despite what people say. They have always have aim assist and tracking that can lock on through buildings and terrain.
Orders can be activated during the battle and have no influence on how you play your battle.
Orders gives you SL boost for fulfill specific task (be best during X amount of time, destroy specific enemy, earn most points during X time etc).
I have no clue from where you took your idea, that it got any influence on MM or anything else (especially, that you activate them DURING the battle).
More than 3000h in game and such theories in mind.