over 1 year ago - CyberStonka - Direct link
Originally posted by ProfessorParker: no matter what br, mode, or caliber I use, aa tanks always lose against planes.
You need to get used to specific gun before you will be able to use it properly. All of them got different muzzle velocity, which means, that each time you switch between them (well, most of the time, some use same guns) you need to adjust.

AAA without proximity fuze are tricky to use and you need to learn how to lure enemy aircraft to get close before you start to shot at him.

Each of my line-up got 1 AAA, they are great for mid/late battle, when more aircraft spawn. I also use them as "rescue" vehicles, when my 1st spawn was bad and I did not manage to get kills/caps. AAA spawn cost is super low.
It's hard to play as dedicated AAA, but as "part time job", it's very rewarding :)
over 1 year ago - CyberStonka - Direct link
Originally posted by Mirage: Because planes don't die when you kill them, so even if an SPAA kills a plane, they very often get killed by the plane they already killed.

Also rewards are absolute ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, so few people want to take the time to get good with them as it's a waste of time, instead people prefer to get bombed and leave the game.
If you damage aircraft, but pilot is still alive, he can still be able to shot you/drop bombs.
If you knock out enemy pilot, he will not be able to operate aircraft. Simple as that.
over 1 year ago - CyberStonka - Direct link
Originally posted by Mirage:
Originally posted by CyberStonka: If you damage aircraft, but pilot is still alive, he can still be able to shot you/drop bombs.
If you knock out enemy pilot, he will not be able to operate aircraft. Simple as that.

SImple in words, not simple in actions as hitting a plane is difficult enough and you don't just casually knock out the enemy pilot like that.
Depends on shell. Solid will most probably only damage and needs direct hit to pilot to get him down. HE are much better.
No one said playing AAA is simple, I have mentioned it require practice.