about 10 hours ago - War Thunder Commander - Direct link

  • F/A-18 (all variants) — a bug where the aircraft did not sink in water has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
  • F/A-18C Late — a bug where the player had to press the key for changing NVG mode twice to turn off thermals has been fixed.
  • Su-30SM — the hardpoints for the R-77-1 missile, available without researching modifications, have been changed from 5 and 8 to 2 and 11. This means you can combine more guided weapons with them before researching the R-77-1 modification.
  • Sea Harrier (all variants) — a bug where the air-to-air missiles did not select after switching to the AAMs HUD mode has been fixed.
  • Su-27, Su-27SM, Su-33, J-11, J-11A — missile launch distance indication markers on the HUD have been made thinner.
  • Do 217 E-2, Do 217 E-4, Do 217 K-1, Do 217 M-1 — a bug where some of the upper 50 kg bombs in the bomb bay could be dropped through the lower ones has been fixed.
Ground Vehicles
  • XM246 — a bug where the tracking radar X-ray did not reflect vertical guidance, and the search radar X-ray did not reflect the folding of the radar has been fixed.
Locations and Missions
  • [Alternate History] Afghanistan — this mission has been disabled. To replace it, with the release of the Hornet’s Sting major update, the mission [Operation] Afghanistan has been added.
  • A bug where the nuke button did not display in the hotbar in Ground Realistic Battles after reaching the required number of Spawn Points for the nuke aircraft has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
  • A bug in the shell stat card that sometimes caused the penetration values under the angles to be in a different order from the standard 0-30-60 degrees when viewing them in Protection Analysis has been fixed.
  • A bug that caused aircraft to become less visible against a cloud background has been fixed.
  • A bug where, when assigning the same key to the “Optical Seeker View” and “Targeting Optics View” button and the aircraft only had targeting optics, the “Optical Seeker View” camera would turn on after pressing the assigned key has been fixed.
Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service[community.gaijin.net], forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.