over 1 year ago - Blitzkrieg Wulf - Direct link

Hello everyone,

We are continuing to tell you about the improvements that we are implementing based on the Roadmap we released in June. In this news, we’ll be talking about the changes that will allow Battle Pass tasks to be completed in Simulator Battles (SB).

This planned Roadmap change was originally scheduled to be released in the Autumn 2023 Major Update, however with the release of the new Battle Pass season 12 that has arrived today, the 26th of July, we’ll be bringing this long-awaited change forward to today instead, ahead of schedule.

You will be able to complete the same battle tasks and challenges in Tank SB as in AB or RB. In Air SB there will be a few exceptions: due to mission specifics and availability of the lobby system, some tasks and challenges, such as participation in a certain number of missions or tasks aimed at destroying AI controlled vehicles or targets, will be unavailable.

This change will significantly help out the SB player base, and any player looking to get into SB but was not willing to due to Battle Pass tasks being unavailable. We hope that you will enjoy this change!

As we release the planned changes in our roadmap, we'll also continue to update the infographic, so that you can easily see what we have already implemented. Here is the latest version!