over 5 years ago - UbiBoat - Direct link
Good news, neither Bandit or Jäger are ever getting their ACOG back.
about 4 years ago - UbiYubble - Direct link
Originally posted by Tsution: why are clash and monty still in this game

Hey Tsution,

What's your experience with shields been like recently? I'm judging by your message that you've been a bit frustrated with them as of late. Would you mind walking me through what happened?
12 months ago - CyberStonka - Direct link
Premium Account do not affect your battles. It only affect your SL/RP gain. It has nothing to MM, your skill (or lack of it), vehicle performance etc.
12 months ago - CyberStonka - Direct link
Originally posted by Venom Thanos: It should have an premium favoritism code to make premium players face -1br enemies bro, freeloaders shouldn't have the same privilege as the paid ones bro this is unfair, on top of that we paid whales should also get a better teammates, just add a few line of codes to give premium players teammates with good KDR and high winning rate, since we already have downtier and uptiers for everyone, it's not hard to strictly make uptiers for freeloaders and downtiers for premium account bro.
AFAIK We do not have plans to implement any favoritism for Premium Account users into MM.