Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Dev Tracker

17 Jan

    ubi-kubiq on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

thanks for updating the thread and letting us know that you've managed to fix the problem by manually updating your drivers.

I will lock this thread for now. Should you encounter any issues with the game again, feel free to contact us.

15 Jan

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Ado2234,

Thank you for kindly reaching out, sorry for the delay in response.

While we cannot remove temporary bans, We would like to help troubleshoot the cause.

To rule out some common causes would it be possible to please try the following steps?

• Install Ubisoft Connect and the game on the same drive as your OS
• End unnecessary background processes via Task Manager
• All of the troubleshooting steps in this article: https://ubi.li/e4DRO

Should this then persist, would it be possible to share your system specs?

Many thanks
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Exyra,

Thank you for kindly reaching out. Sorry to hear that you are encountering an error when you try to search for a match.

For troubleshooting purposes I would recommend to complete the steps in our dedicated connection troubleshooting guide https://ubi.li/RMHiR.

If you find this persists, would it be possible to advise of the error you receive and whether this is every time?

Many thanks
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey shahfalih,

Thank you for kindly reaching out, sorry to hear that you are encountering random crashes suddenly.

To rule out some common causes would it be possible to please try the following steps?

• Install Ubisoft Connect and the game on the same drive as your OS
• End unnecessary background processes via Task Manager
• All of the troubleshooting steps in this article: https://ubi.li/e4DRO

Should this persist, would it be possible to share your system specs so we can further troubleshoot?

Many thanks
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Huntaurz,

Thank you for reaching out. Sorry to hear that you are encountering crashes on your system.

To rule out some common causes would it be possible to please try the following steps?

• Install Ubisoft Connect and the game on the same drive as your OS
• End unnecessary background processes via Task Manager
• All of the troubleshooting steps in this article: https://ubi.li/e4DRO

Should this then persist, would it be possible to share your system specs?

Many thanks
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you for reaching out, sorry to hear that you have been encountering disconnections that then result in temporary bans.

I am afraid that we are unable to remove temporary bans but are keen to get to the bottom of the cause for disconnections. For troubleshooting would it be possible to complete the steps in our connection troubleshooting guide https://ubi.li/RMHiR.

Should you have any further trouble, would it be possible to advise the platform you play on and any trends you have noticed around this happening?

Many thanks
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by 3rkm_.: I miss the old ai, the ones where it would be 20 something terrorists pushing you in waves, the ai that would turn the game into a horror game just because of a bomber breathing slowly, it was so fun! it would be a better warm up and make the game more funny and fun than serious constantly.
Hey 3rkm_.,

Thank you for kindly reaching out and sharing this suggestion.

We use this type of feedback to better understand what players might like to see in the future.

If ever we can help with anything else just let us know
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Fran,

Thank you for reaching out, this is a great question. You will be pleased to know you can indeed play together, your friend will however need to enable crossplay on their device.

Any trouble, just let us know
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys,

Thank you for kindly reaching out, sorry to hear that you are encountering stutters in game.

To rule out some common causes would it be possible to please try the following steps?

• Install Ubisoft Connect and the game on the same drive as your OS
• End unnecessary background processes via Task Manager
• All of the troubleshooting steps in this article: https://ubi.li/e4DRO

Should this then persist, would it be possible to share your system specs and any details on when you notice this most?

Many thanks
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Croissantleader,

Thank you for kindly reaching out, sorry to hear that you are encountering lag in game despite running at 300fps.

To rule out some common causes would it be possible to please try the following steps?

• Install Ubisoft Connect and the game on the same drive as your OS
• End unnecessary background processes via Task Manager
• All of the troubleshooting steps in this article: https://ubi.li/e4DRO
• Does this persist if you turn on VSync?

Should this then persist, would it be possible to share your system specs and any details on when you notice this most?

Many thanks
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Kacpi,

Thank you for kindly reaching out, sorry to hear that you are encountering freezes and sound issues in game.

To rule out some common causes would it be possible to please try the following steps?

• Install Ubisoft Connect and the game on the same drive as your OS
• End unnecessary background processes via Task Manager
• All of the troubleshooting steps in this article: https://ubi.li/e4DRO

Should this then persist, would it be possible to share your system specs and any details on when you notice this most?

Many thanks
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys,

Thank you for kindly reaching out, sorry to hear that you are encountering stutters and low fps in game.

To rule out some common causes would it be possible to please try the following steps?

• Install Ubisoft Connect and the game on the same drive as your OS
• End unnecessary background processes via Task Manager
• All of the troubleshooting steps in this article: https://ubi.li/e4DRO

Should this then persist, would it be possible to share your system specs and any details on when you notice this most?

Many thanks
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ✠Ghostyy✠: They just added them to farcry 3 and 4 yesterday. Will this game get them too? More importantly, is ubi adding steam achievements to all their old games years later part of a process to finally get rid of Uplay/Ubiconnect?
Hey ✠Ghostyy✠,

Thank you for kindly reaching out.

I am afraid I have no information on either question, but I can assure you that if achievements are added we will be excited to let players know.

If we can help with anything else, just let us know.

Many thanks
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey HighSparrow,

Thank you for kindly reaching out. Your game settings file will be located in the install location of the game rather than in your documents.

I would however recommend launching the game using admin rights https://ubi.li/psoan this will then grant the permissions needed for changes to save.

Any trouble, just let us know
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Шмурдяк,

Thank you for kindly reaching out, sorry to hear that you have been getting disconnected from the game. I must advise we can only provide support here in English, if you would prefer support in your preferred language then I would advise to reach out using the Ubisoft Support website. [support.ubisoft.com]

To rule out some common causes would it be possible to please try the following steps?

• Install Ubisoft Connect and the game on the same drive as your OS
• End unnecessary background processes via Task Manager
• All of the troubleshooting steps in this article: ... Read more
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by STIKO_04: error code [4-0xFFF0BE2C]
Hey STIKO_04,

Thank you for kindly taking the time to reach out. Sorry to hear that you encounter this connection error in game.

To rule out some common causes would it be possible to complete the steps in our dedicated connection troubleshooting guide? https://ubi.li/RMHiR

Should this issue then persist, would it be possible to share the platform you play on and more information regarding when you get that error?

Many thanks

14 Jan

    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys,

Sorry to hear that this has been your experience, it is never good to encounter a cheater in game.

Should you encounter a cheater in future, please do not hesitate to report them following this guide https://ubi.li/ZYkQX we take all reports seriously.

If ever we can help with anything else, just let us know
    Ubi-WheelyDuck on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ömcük: when i play rainbow it will always get crashing is there any solution
Hey ömcük,

Thank you for kindly taking the time to reach out. Sorry to hear that you are encountering crashes in game.

To rule out some common causes would it be possible to please try the following steps?

• Install Ubisoft Connect and the game on the same drive as your OS
• End unnecessary background processes via Task Manager
• All of the troubleshooting steps in this article: https://ubi.li/e4DRO

If this persists, would it be possible to share your system specs and any errors you are getting?

Many thanks

13 Jan

    ubi-kubiq on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

thanks for reaching out.

If you think that you may have been unfairly banned, please contact our email support team through this link -> Click here[ubi.li] and they will be able to check your account and find the reason for the ban. Sadly we cannot do it on this platform, due to data protection.
    ubi-kubiq on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Nomad,

thanks for sharing your feedback.

We will pass this on to the relevant teams for further review.