about 1 year
ago -
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Hey everyone. First off, we’d like to express our gratitude to those of you who submit in-game reports on violations and in doing so inform us about the unfair actions of certain players. We deeply appreciate your willingness to support fair play in all areas of the game.
We’d like to let Air Simulator players know and draw attention to the violations that have been seen in this mode. Some players have used the lobby functionality to conduct fixed and arranged matches, with their actions allowing them to gain an illegitimate mission score, which disrupts fair players in this mode.
To counter these cases in Air Simulator Battles, mission points will no longer be awarded for attacking an enemy aircraft on an airfield that had not earned any mission points since their respawn. This is to prevent players who match-fix from easily earning mission points in this mode.
In addition to this, we’ve conducted a thorough analysis of the reports we’ve received and made the decision to permanently or temporarily ban 933 accounts of players who violated sections 6.1.2 and 6.1.4 of the War Thunder Specific Rules[legal.gaijin.net] 29 (exploiting game bugs, errors and flaws, and actions that violate the principle of fair play). For full transparency, we’re publishing the complete list of these players[docs.google.com]
This list will be available for two weeks following the publication of this news.
Thank you for your support and understanding!
War Thunder Team
We’d like to let Air Simulator players know and draw attention to the violations that have been seen in this mode. Some players have used the lobby functionality to conduct fixed and arranged matches, with their actions allowing them to gain an illegitimate mission score, which disrupts fair players in this mode.
To counter these cases in Air Simulator Battles, mission points will no longer be awarded for attacking an enemy aircraft on an airfield that had not earned any mission points since their respawn. This is to prevent players who match-fix from easily earning mission points in this mode.
In addition to this, we’ve conducted a thorough analysis of the reports we’ve received and made the decision to permanently or temporarily ban 933 accounts of players who violated sections 6.1.2 and 6.1.4 of the War Thunder Specific Rules[legal.gaijin.net] 29 (exploiting game bugs, errors and flaws, and actions that violate the principle of fair play). For full transparency, we’re publishing the complete list of these players[docs.google.com]
This list will be available for two weeks following the publication of this news.
Thank you for your support and understanding!
War Thunder Team