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The F-100F is a twin-seater version of the well-known Super Sabre jet fighter, developed with a focus on combat training operations. Soon, you’ll be able to obtain this unique aircraft by taking part in the upcoming Tokushu Heiki event!
F-100F, jet fighter, China, rank VI. Event vehicle.
- Superb flight characteristics.
- Versatile weaponry.
- Supersonic.

A unique version of the Super Sabre jet fighter coming to the game as the main prize for pilots in the upcoming Tokushu Heiki event — which will start on September 26th! The F-100F is a further development of the familiar F-100 Super Sabre which features some handy upgrades over the original model, and will arrive as an event vehicle in the Chinese aircraft research tree. Let’s dive into the details!

On a surface level, the F-100F inherits many of its characteristics from the F-100A variant available to Chinese pilots while introducing a twin-seat c*ckpit. This in itself increases its survivability, as it can remain controllable even with one pilot knocked out. However, this is not the only improvement introduced by this particular variant. The F-100F has the ability to mount the powerful AGM-12 Bullpup — as well as conventional weapons on its six hardpoints, which can also carry a variety of regular bombs, as well as FFAR rockets, drag r------ded bombs and incendiary bombs! On the other hand, these upgrades come at the expense of a slightly less powerful fixed armament, resulting in the F-100F only carrying two 20 mm cannons, thus slightly limiting its capabilities in traditional gun dogfights.

Since the F-100F was not equipped with flares, we’ve decided not to add the AIM-9P air-to-air missile to this aircraft, which would have caused its Battle Rating to increase. Increasing the F-100F’s Battle Rating would mean that it would not have been available to use in many suitable ground RB lineups. The F-100F is better suited in the CAS role over jet fighter role over the standard F-100A in the Chinese research tree.

The unique F-100F Super Sabre is arriving soon to reinforce the higher ranks of the Chinese aircraft research tree as part of the Tokushu Heiki event. Eager to add it to your collection? Then keep an eye out for the event news post, scheduled to be published on September 25th. See you in the skies!