4 months ago - magazine2 - Direct link
Welcome to our Battle Rating change proposals for the month of January.

We’ve got several Battle Rating changes for aircraft, helicopters, ground vehicles and naval vessels.

A summary of some key changes:

Along with these changes, we’re planning to increase the max Battle Rating for Aviation to 12.7, which is going to affect some near top vehicles, which are now going to a higher Battle Rating.

Let’s note two vehicles, the Type 81 (C) and AGS. The Type 81 (C) will be increased from 10.0 to 11.0 Battle Rating. This is because at the moment, in terms of effectiveness, this vehicle is the undisputed leader amongst all air defense systems and effectively fights against aircraft both at a Battle Rating of 10.0 and at 11.0 and higher. As the AGS is going up from 10.3 to 11.0, this tank will be given the M833 shell.

Click here to see the table of Battle Rating changes: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/4/d/e/2PACX-1vSQX3XMJN_H5neRs3aHvbzZnyVTxFGELgfTfqKPwLEOuNuh7iaQ69HtQaFyTubnuNc1MBCRrI7PWHLL/pubhtml

Since we’re increasing the max Battle Rating for Aircraft, some Battle Rating brackets and their rotation are being revised for Air Simulator Battles. In some rotation options, the number of brackets will be increased to 10.

We’re going to be carefully reading your feedback on the planned Battle Rating changes, so please feel free to share your thoughts and any suggestions that you may have for them.

If you see any comments that you agree with, make sure to upvote it so that we can get an idea. Thanks everyone!

The War Thunder Development Team.