8 months ago - Blitzkrieg Wulf - Direct link
Originally posted by Champion of Sparta: Alrighty this is going to soubd stupid. But how do I SEE better. Ya see I mainly play arcade because my eyes are garbage when it comes to picking up movement of enemy tanks, and I am an absolute abysmal realistic player because of this. However I have always found great success in arcade where there are massive icons pointing out to my garbage eyes where the enemy is....giving me great success and an average of 6-8 kills a game.
Recently though i have finally made it to 8.0 USSR, and now the maps are so big, enemies are far enough away that those indicators do not pop up. And recently I am getting massacred in the T54, Any help would be appreciated as dumb as this is.

Mostly play RB myself- in addition to what others have contributed I would like to weigh in that sometimes your best 'sight' is done with your ears. It allows you to 'see' things that you would otherwise have no clue about.

A good pair of headphones and adjusting sound levels should allow you to have very good directional awareness, and probably hear enemies within maybe 150-250 meters, give or take (Also depending on how loud enemy vehicle is, etc). At 8.0+, you will also start to see more helicopters in RB, making this directional awareness even more important.

Some of the Soviet tanks can be kind of tricky to play- their optics to me never felt as good as western vehicles, and a really easy trap to fall into is over-extending, and then having a very poor reverse speed.