Transcript (by Youtube)

4s the shooting
7s range Hello friends we'd like to start
11s with telling you that next Sunday on the
13s 31st of December we'll support our
15s annual tradition and sum up the year of
17s 2023 in a heartwarming relaxed
20s atmosphere so prepare your favorite
23s treats or desserts in advance make sure
25s your Christmas tree is all ready and get
28s comfortable today though we're going
30s going to continue discussing the new Air
33s superiority update in this episode pages
36s of History Norwegian Fjord raid gone
40s wrong tactical breathing air superiority
44s in detail and metal beasts New
47s Generation
48s [Music]
59s Challenger the latest winter update
61s mostly focuses on aircraft but tanks
64s have received a few new things
67s too the First new ground vehicle
69s introduces the largest number of
71s differences among top tier
73s mbts this is the British Challenger 3
77s main battle tank a revolutionary machine
80s from a famous family our game has long
83s featured numerous modifications of this
85s tank and all of them are pretty popular
88s in top tier battles you must be familiar
90s with them they usually show a pretty
92s good performance but have some flaws as
99s well for a long time modest Mobility has
102s been one of those flaws although the
104s Challenger 2E has solved this it would
107s be a shame if the third generation was
109s worse so its compartment has an engine
111s just as strong with 1,500 horow of
115s course its mass is also pretty high but
118s the competition has also collected did
120s quite a bit of additional armor over the
123s years of modernization so we can say
125s their power to weight ratios are similar
128s in practice the third Challenger can
129s keep up with the team in most cases and
132s get to key strategic positions at the
134s same
135s [Music]
139s time another long-standing issue with
141s British mbts is Firepower their classic
145s rifled 120 mm cannons with separate
147s loading did provide them with some fire
150s rate Advantage but only with a skilled
152s crew and only as long as the modest
155s first stage ammo rack
158s lasted the new Challenger offers a more
161s balanced weapon one you might remember
163s from the German leopards a 120 mm cannon
167s with a barrel length of 55 calibers it
170s can use the top ranking DM 53 shells to
173s achieve a whopping 650 mm of penetration
177s up close so don't expect any issues with
179s damaging your enemies besides the new
182s gun this tank also received a 15 Shell
185s First Stage ammo rack fitted in the
187s turret rear it's a doubtless advantage
190s since you can stay at your Peak
191s Firepower even in the hottest
194s [Music]
198s battles with all this in mind we can
200s suggest an optimal tactic for Challenger
202s 3 it feels best in a cross-country
205s environment where you can hide the hull
207s and fire your gun using its excellent
209s depression angle
210s besides you don't need to worry about
212s large distances between positions or
214s your chances when encountering a group
216s of enemies the new British tank has
218s enough mobility and
224s [Music]
233s Firepower the war was all but over Paris
236s had been liberated the Soviet Army was
238s inside the Reich territory and the
240s Germans were retreating all that was
243s left was to cut off the German beast
245s from its last supply lines and crush it
247s within its own layer the guys over at
250s the RAF daki station base were experts
252s in this with their bow Fighters they
254s breached enemy AA defenses Time After
257s Time delivering Swift strikes to enemy
259s transports carrying precious iron ore
262s from Sweden to Germany what little was
264s left of the Luft vafa tried to stop it
267s but to no avail the bow Fighters were
269s well defended Ed by the amazing Mustangs
272s now and then news flash a shiny new CS
276s Marine Destroyer has arrived in one of
278s the Norwegian fjords possibly for
280s repairs and it was identified as the
283s z33 now that's a truly appetizing Target
286s not another Petty ore carrier it was a
289s true warship and sinking it would
291s definitely matter in this theater of
293s operations the brave bow fighter pilots
295s stocked up on Rockets fueled up as much
297s as they could and set off on Friday the
300s 9th of February 1945 just got to make it
303s on time praying the quick Destroyer
305s wouldn't slip away into the Open Sea
307s meanwhile new info was coming in okay
310s what have we got here the Destroyer
312s guarded by A Min sweeper and two AA
314s ships no problem they'll get their share
317s the plan's solid Lads and gals but as it
319s was later discovered the plan hadn't
321s been theirs even before the aviation got
324s there they discovered that the Cs Marine
326s had known they'd been spotted and moved
328s their ships deeper into the fu
330s this limited the attack to Just One
332s Direction and that required the strikers
334s to fly in a line between tall Sea Cliffs
337s and once the Brits made that line those
339s Cliffs started spraying them with waves
341s of tracers the Germans had placed their
343s anti-aircraft guns there in advance
346s those who tried to stop the attack and
348s leave the canyon were immediately
349s shelled with even thicker fire from The
351s Cliffs and the Convoy's batteries on top
354s of that an entire Squadron of fak of
356s wolf 190s was diving from above and Only
359s God knew where those came from the
361s Mustangs dashed into to help but got
363s caught by the air defenses themselves it
365s was the biggest Air Battle Norway saw in
369s 1945 32 bow Fighters and 10 Mustangs
372s were bravely fighting a dozen German
373s Fighters coming in from above and
375s numerous anti-aircraft guns firing from
377s below the battle was utter confusion and
380s the Brits forgot all about their plan
383s some tried to push on with a hopeless
384s attack on the Destroyer others switched
386s to suppressing air defenses others still
389s grouped with the mus and fought back
390s against the fu of wolves the odds were
393s stacked against them one after another
395s nine bow Fighters and one Mustang fell
397s into the dark Waters of the Fjord the
399s Brits had to accept defeat turn back and
401s Retreat still the Germans suffered
404s losses too five Fighters and two pilots
407s including the ace Rudy Lind some sources
410s State he was the one who organized the
412s trap for the British forces meanwhile
415s the latter were retreating in full
416s disarray their hulls and wings badly
419s damaged and smoking Trails dragging
421s behind they had to pay a high price for
423s underestimating the badly wounded but
425s still dangerous Beast meanwhile the war
428s would end in only 3
431s [Music]
445s months we'll have time to see the
447s hottest new vehicles of the update but
449s for now let's go over the changes that
451s air superiority brings to
455s us let's start with the aircraft many
458s new planes received new suspended
460s Armament some got new types of ordinance
462s including AP bombs While others received
465s improvements to existing Weaponry almost
467s all Phantoms the F-111 the Hunter f-58
471s and the Aton can now do ccrp B the super
476s Ronda and the harer gr3 got their night
479s vision device es and the f5e learned to
481s calculate lead for its forward firing
483s Armament when the targets locked on with
485s the radar the early star fighter
488s versions at all Jaguars got their
489s ejection seat animations and a dozen
492s World War II airlanes can now boast
494s their own custom loadouts radar warning
497s receivers were significantly reworked on
499s many planes and helicopters some models
502s can now tell the distance to the
504s emission Source by its power While
506s others can tell friend from foe in real
508s life these systems def find friends by
510s what their governments tell them but in
512s our game they'll see all your teammates
514s as friendlies no matter which nation's
516s Vehicles they're currently
519s [Applause]
521s using the main new feature for ground
524s Vehicles is the new rank eight that
526s welcomes the most advanced tanks and
527s anti-air vehicles of all Nations this
530s also means a bunch of major changes that
532s might go under the radar for instance
534s the research and purchase cost for
536s ground vehicles of ranks six and seven
539s is now reduced much like the required
541s crew levels for purchasing expert and
543s Ace qualifications rank eight tanks will
546s be able to use APF SDS rounds right
549s after purchase it makes all the sense
552s since top tier Vehicles often use
554s Advanced protection solutions that make
555s them hard to damage without DS
560s rounds we've also been working hard on
563s the road map this time we've implemented
565s some of the mechanics we' promised
567s earlier for instance you can now retain
569s your daily reward progress even if you
571s can't access your PC or console by using
574s the mobile version of the game
576s Additionally you won't need to use
578s Universal backups in the hanger now
580s they're available right during the
581s battle if you need an extra
586s spawn another important step in
588s development is teaching new players the
590s nuances of War Thunder mechanics we've
592s added tutorial missions for some types
594s of aircraft Weaponry like infrared
596s homing air-to-air missiles and manually
598s guided airto Sur surface missiles these
601s missions give some brief information on
603s how to control these missiles and
604s provide a chance to practice employing
609s them in ground battles we've added
612s context tips on using some mechanics and
614s devices they're only shown once per
616s battle and only in certain conditions to
618s avoid unnecessary distractions each tip
621s has a limit of three appearances in 3
623s months and if you use the mechanic the
625s game will remember this and stop
627s bothering
628s you
631s and of course we've added new Visual and
633s audio stuff since those things are good
636s at improving the atmosphere of virtual
638s battles in War Thunder this time we
640s improved all fires and explosions
642s effects for chassis interacting with
644s various surfaces sounds of explosions
646s and engines close flybys of rounds and
649s missiles even aircraft controls now make
652s sounds when seen from the inside of the
656s cockpit we hope you all can find
659s something in enjoyable and useful for
660s your game experience and now it's time
663s we answered some of your
665s [Music]
677s questions the first question was sent by
679s a player called General shimmy how do
682s you select night
683s battles greetings general just open the
686s game mode select menu and click on the
688s moon icon by the way the game will offer
690s you the chance to enable night battles
692s if you unlock an nvd module the
695s modification menu is another way to join
697s a night battle yama's left toe asks
701s which r60s are better are the export MK
704s models
705s worse hi there the export r60 MK
709s versions are basically the same as the
711s originals another question comes from
714s Chris v3s go what's the difference
716s between these mbts the arag the arot PSO
721s and the arot
723s AMV hi Chris let's start with the last
726s one the AR AMV has a stronger 1500
729s horsepower engine and enjoys better
731s acceleration the regular Arete has
734s composite screens on the turret front
736s and the PSO has those on the
738s sides ztq 15 building writes about the C
742s 29 for the jh7
745s a hi there yes this aircraft could
748s actually use the C 20 9 missiles and
750s they've already been added to the
751s leopard's
753s Arsenal and the last comment for today
755s was written by Nano 72 on the Q5 L if
759s you look from one of the wing tips
760s towards the fuselage you can see a red
762s hourglass within a circle does it have
764s any
766s significance hey Nano oh this one's
768s simple it's just an optical Mark to make
770s sure you're in the right position as a
772s wingman that's it for today you've been
774s watching the shooting range by gun
776s entertainment and the next episode will
778s Premiere the following Sunday at 400
780s p.m. GMT or noon Eastern Time subscribe
783s and click the Bell if you don't want to
785s miss our next videos don't forget to
787s make your Christmas tree safe from your
789s cat leave a like share your thoughts and
791s comments and see you next
794s [Music]
808s week